Sega Rally 3 videos

HeavyElectricity May 24, 2008 11

As promised, here’s some of the video footage from the game. I’m putting two videos after the break so as not to slow down the main page with lots of flash stuff.

Attract mode

Tropical Stage

Hit the break for Desert 95 and Lakeside footage!

Desert 95

Lakeside Stage

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  1. Shaggy May 24, 2008 at 2:50 am - Reply

    Awesome HV, great videos. This looks stellar, I’d love to see it in person in all it’s HD glory. 🙂

  2. Radiac May 24, 2008 at 3:20 am - Reply

    OMG… incredible.

    The inclusion of the 95 Desert track has to be one of the coolest extras ever.

    I can’t wait for this game!

  3. Nick May 24, 2008 at 5:45 am - Reply

    Awesome! It’s looking beautiful. Sega really needs to step it up and show the rest how you do GOOD arcade racing games! If only they could make a Daytona 3!

  4. editor May 24, 2008 at 10:08 am - Reply

    The video dose not do the game justice (though they are still great videos).

    The game balance and graphics is sharp and responsive. I personally think this is far better than many competitive drivers in the market – especially in six player mode.

    Oh, and yes Sega Europe are planning a twin standard cabinet version.

  5. HeavyElectricity May 24, 2008 at 8:03 pm - Reply

    Yeah, I’m actually a little disappointed that I was limited to taking 320×240 videos on a digital camera, as they capture neither the detail nor the framerate of the game. I was mainly hoping to show off some of the gameplay and allow you guys to get a feel for the course design, which is a definite strong point of the game.

  6. Old School J May 24, 2008 at 11:41 pm - Reply

    Thanks for the videos HeavyElectricity, they are a great taster building anticipation until it shows up in the arcades. I think the overall aesthetic has retained that Sega charm in updating the game for today’s arcades. I think it will standout from the crowd pretty well in the deluxe cabinet and the attract sequence running across all the linked cabinet screens is very cool.

  7. Ryan/Sharky May 25, 2008 at 7:22 am - Reply

    Great Stuff, I love Segas arcade racers and this seems to be up there with the best!

    Now Sega, how about Out Run 3 and a new Daytona?!

  8. miss May 25, 2008 at 9:22 am - Reply

    Hi, thank you for the videos. There is a track from the first SEGA RALLY game, I wonder if there is a feature from SEGA RALLY2 as well?

  9. HeavyElectricity May 25, 2008 at 9:48 pm - Reply

    Sorry to disappoint you, but there are no Sega Rally 2 tracks included in Sega Rally 3.

  10. RollingStart May 26, 2008 at 10:19 am - Reply

    OMG, they are finally bringing the immaculate ’95 tracks back and enhancing them with today’s graphics.
    My only concern now is the controls. The next gen home versions’ handling was way too sensitive and i really hope that they’ve somehow managed to copy the perfect feeling of the controls from ’95.
    If they did, this will indeed be racing heaven and I won’t be playing any other racing game for years to come – unless SEGA comes up with a perfect update of Daytona, that is 😛

  11. asdf May 26, 2008 at 2:12 pm - Reply

    Finally after all those rumors – i already thought they(sega) gave up on this.
    Looks smashing 🙂

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