Racing news: Sega testing Hummer Extreme; another RaceTV update; NFS Carbon converted cab

Shaggy May 31, 2008 2

Thanks to a tip we have found out that Sega is currently testing another new racing game, this time in the US that is based on Hummer’s. From what we know the game is called Hummer Extreme and at this point in time, we know nothing else about the game other than it was on test at Gameworks in Chicago this last week (I am trying to find out if the game is still there) and that the game was fun.

So at the moment this means that this year alone we will see or have seen a total of at least nine new racing games and who knows what else we’ll see as the year progresses. I am happy to see so many new games coming to arcades, this alone proves that the industry is doing well but as you know I would like to see some more original content that breaks away from the norm. I know that it’s hard to complain if the current games are fun and bring their own interesting innovations to the table but I still feel the need to push for some different kinds of games. I was expecting to see some more motion-controlled games by now as the rumor was that thanks to the Wii we would be seeing more of those kind of games but so far I have only seen a couple this year.

Anyways Sega Japan has also announced yet another update for RaceTV (which I have found out that it was part of the game already and is a simple time release, thanks RJAY), which will include new tracks, characters and a new car. This makes the 2nd update that I know of for the game, the first adding a password feature. We’ll have to see if the new low price and this update will help improve RaceTV sales as well as earnings.

We also have a look at a Need For Speed Carbon converted cabinet. It looks like GVR wasn’t going to stand by and watch Raw Thrills pass by with the Tokyo Drift kits as this looks to also allow an operator to do a complete makeover on any NFS cab they happen to have on hand. This image via BHMVending (click on the thumbnail to enlarge).

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  1. RJAY63 May 31, 2008 at 7:56 am - Reply

    Sega Race TV – I’m looking at section 8.5 of the operators manual and it states these ‘new features’ are part of the game anyway – they are just time released.

  2. Shaggy June 1, 2008 at 12:34 am - Reply

    Thanks RJAY, I had no idea about that as no one had said anything before so that is good to know. I kind of wonder why they are doing it like this since RaceTV has been having a little bit of a rough start.

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