Flynn's Arcade Returning to Comic-Con next week

Shaggy July 13, 2010 0

Last year the TRON Legacy viral marketing campaign started off with a bang as they recreated (to an extent) the arcade from the movie TRON, Flynn’s Arcade, at Comic-Con 2009. In addition to a number of classic games being on hand for show attendees to revisit, they also featured Space Paranoids in an arcade cabinet. They also had a “secret passageway” which opened up to show off some concept art from the upcoming movie and a life-sized model of the new light-cycles from TRON Legacy.

Comic Con 2010 starts next week and once again, the TL viral marketing campaign has revealed that Flynn’s Arcade will be making a triumphant return to the show, with it open from the 22nd to the 24th. I imagine that Space Paranoids arcade will return but I also if they could unveil another arcade-related surprise. For example, another TRON related flash game has appeared on the internet, on the “ENCOM Japan” website called Circuit Cycles.  Seems to me that a light-cycle arcade game (imagine using a light-cycle replica you could sit on as a controller) would be a perfect fit for arcades. We’ll keep our eyes peeled for more TRON Legacy arcade goodness next week.

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