Sega’s Transformers Human Alliance Rolling Out For US

arcadehero November 18, 2013 2

While we were sure that Sega’s newest light-gun title, Transformers Human Alliance would be coming pretty soon, we didn’t realize it would be right now. As a part of their IAAPA 2013 press push, they have installed the game at the Dave & Busters in Orlando, FL. That particular D&B is just a short walk or drive away from the convention center where IAAPA is being held and this looks like a great way to launch the title. Arcade games usually are rolled out with little press or hype (there have been plenty of frustrating times on the blog here where the release of a new game was so low key we didn’t even find out about it until a few months afterwards – I’m looking at you Koihime Musou) so this is welcome change.

Here is a shot of the front of Dave & Busters in Orlando (via Sega’s FB):


And here is the DLX version that they have setup on site (Via their Twitter):


We will have to wait and see when it will be out at other venues but I imagine this means its ready to purchase through standard arcade distribution channels.

So which cabinet do you prefer, the standard upright or the sit-down deluxe?


  1. jonhooper November 19, 2013 at 10:37 am - Reply

    beautiful deluxe cabinet bringing it old school like hotd2 and lost world,ocean hunter did back in 1998 😀

  2. Federico Read November 30, 2013 at 5:52 pm - Reply

    I hope that stays there for when I go to Disney in February.

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