Unboxing: Transformers Human Alliance by Sega

arcadehero March 18, 2014 10

(For previous arcade unboxings I have done :  Batman / ReRave Arcade / Pac-Man Battle Royale / Friction / Super Street Fighter IV )

Back in December, a game operator I work with at my arcade decided that he wanted to get the new Transformers Human Alliance arcade game by Sega Amusements. This post would have taken place around then but as luck – or rather a lack of it – would happen, that operator broke his leg in three spots after an ice slip and that put him out of commission for a while.

Fast forward to March and with that issue resolved, he pulled the trigger and today the game arrived. Placing this in the arcade has meant much more squeezing of games together and I had to spend a little time taking care of that before it arrived. This brings me up to 55 cabinets (that includes pinball and air hockey) in a space that is a little over 2000 sq. ft. I was unable to go out and snap shots of the game on the palette and the unboxing there since I needed to remain in the store but here is the rest of it:

The first box to be brought into the store was the Standee. I have to say that this is the first time I have been impressed with marketing materials to be provided with a brand new arcade game. Usually you get…nothing. On rare occasion you might get something like a poster but nothing like what comes with every single Transformers arcade machine. Kudos to Sega for giving arcade ops something more akin to what movie theaters get to promote new releases.




Inside of that standee came the hardware to keep it in the right shape but also this sign to place on the machine, which you commonly see at trade shows.


Next came the boxes with the marquee topper, the marquee itself and the remaining hardware for installing that as well as the back-lit Transformers logo bezels that attach to the side of the monitor. Most of the “hardware”, i.e. the screws are found placed in the spots where they belong as opposed to being thrown into a loose bag. You have to unscrew them out first but at least it keeps you from mixing up bolts.





But before putting those on, here is the cabinet wheeled into the store after getting off the palette. As a note, these are manufactured in partnership with Fun Company, which is based in Illinois.


Attaching the marquee is easy enough, if you have two people to handle it.


Attaching the bezels and brackets to the side took a few minutes to figure out. There are instructions and a paper manual provided with the game in case you happen to get stuck on something but it is mostly straightforward. Just take care not to install anything upside-down 😛



The topper requires a couple of brackets to hold it in place.



GRATUITOUS RINGEDGE 2 SHOTS! GRATUITOUS RINGEDGE 2 SHOTS! (in case anyone was wondering what they use to power this game)



With all that done, time to power it it up and watch the magic happen. I missed getting a shot since it was up only for a few seconds but I was surprised to see that the OS behind this is Microsoft Windows XP.


Good to go!


Stay tuned for more, in particular a video review of this sometime after I finish up the Aliens Armageddon review I’ve been working on. This game has been out since November 2013 so chances are you may have seen one out there, in this style or the “Theater” cabinet style that has a larger screen.


  1. Federico Read March 18, 2014 at 3:00 pm - Reply

    I beat this game at D&B in Orlando, FL.

    • jon hooper March 22, 2014 at 11:14 am - Reply

      how many credits did it take ya to beat it>?<

  2. Kevin Williams March 18, 2014 at 3:24 pm - Reply

    Thanks Adam.
    On a side note – was it promoted as a RingEdge2 game? I cant remember Martin telling me that?

    • arcadehero March 18, 2014 at 6:05 pm - Reply

      Not really marketed as such but I knew it was from some early cabinet photos I saw.

  3. jon hooper March 22, 2014 at 11:15 am - Reply

    so cool love the dx version finished it cant wait to buy m own version one day or hope sega do a (one of next gen arcade port) and i think this should be its winning ticket 😀

  4. SEC March 24, 2014 at 11:57 am - Reply

    “Windows XP”. Umm, no. It uses Windows Embedded Standard 2012 /Windows 7 much like “Nu”.

    • arcadehero March 24, 2014 at 12:32 pm - Reply

      So you’re telling me that my eyes are lying to me everyday when it starts up and shows a WINDOWS XP loading screen. That is what it uses, like it or not.

      • Layoric September 13, 2014 at 3:47 am - Reply

        What is a ballpark figure for cost on this unit?

        • arcadehero September 13, 2014 at 9:40 am -

          Depending on who you buy it from, around $8900-$9300 plus freight, maybe tax

  5. Andy Geezer March 27, 2014 at 12:53 am - Reply

    Actually its windows embedded 2009, same as found on RingEdge/ringwide. Ringedge2 is basically an edge with new CPU/mainboard and gt545 video card. Transformers wouldnt run on edge though needs 1gb graphics card. Game needs quite a beefy CPU as well. Shame it only runs in 1280×720 as this is never the native resolution of the LCD display.

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