No Fooling: Jurassic Park Arcade Unboxing

arcadehero April 1, 2015 0

A month ago we received word that Raw Thrills’ latest arcade game Jurassic Park Arcade was beginning to ship out to distributors so that arcade venues could begin carrying the game. That said, how many shipped out and where was unknown and I only have been able to verify a couple of distributors getting the games in last week. At my own arcade venue, I work with an operator on a couple of games and he was grabbing the game to swap it out with the Transformers: Human Alliance. While we were told that the game would be arriving today, now they are saying that it will most likely be showing up this Friday thanks to shipping delays.

As far as unboxing stuff goes, I find it more interesting with arcade machines since there is always some sort of installation process to go with it. For previous unboxing posts on AH: Star Trek Premium Pinball; Allied Tank Attack; Transformers: Human Alliance; BATMAN; ReRave; Pac-Man Battle Royale; Dariusburst Another ChronicleFriction (kit); & Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (kit)

I was sent also some pictures of a complete unboxing experience by Ralph Tribl of America’s Incredible Pizza Co. in St. Louis, MO. My thanks to him for the media and instructions below, sounds like it takes about 30 min or so to put all together.

Here is my unboxing video. It took much longer than 30 min to do (was closer to 1 1/2 hours) with two people but I distilled that down to less than 5 minutes here 😉


The game comes in 2 big boxes.
Rear section in the forground: 54″ Wide X 33″ Deep X 81″ Tall
Front section in the back: 54″ Wide X 50″ Deep X 76″ Tall
Remove everything from boxes.
Rear section
03 rear
Front section
04 Front
1st box from main section has the top bridge:
05 Middle
2nd box has the middle floor section:
Box on top of the rear section has the rear marquee:
07 rear marquee
And (IIRC) the inside the cabinets plastic covering had the Dino topper in a box:
08dino topper
Remove all plastic protective coverings.
Floor platform:
Remove mounting plates that are taped from center platform. Screws, washers, and split lock washers are inside a bag between a pair of brackets. There are 2 lengths of screws, 24 long ones for the joining brackets and 4 shorter ones for joining platform to the center braces.
Center mounting plates are already installed on front and rear sections. In the manual is says for you to install them, but they are already there.
Loosely install brackets onto center joining platform.
11 Floor to Main
Connect harnesses to platform and join the front section:
12 Floor to Main Done
And join the rear section and tighten all screws.
13 Floor to Rear Done
Install dinosaur topper:
Remove the back upper door with key and 2 screws and locate the topper power harness:
14 Topper Connection
Rest Dino face down with mounting bracket close to the hole on top.
15 Topper Set
Use a fish line down the back to behind the LCD screen to the power plug seen in pic below LCD screen.
16 Topper Fish
Tilt head into hole, finish pulling wire down to behind LCD and connect harness and put door back on.
17 Topper Hooked Up
Attach 4 screws to hold head in place.
18 Topper Mounted
Top bridge installation:
Locate the power wire access holes. The wire will be taped to the top of the cabinet:
19 Roof Bridge Hookup
Place on top with red braces up and LED connections towards Dino head.
20 Roof Bridge Set
Loosely install 3 (front or rear) screws accessible from inside the cabinet.
Have someone gently lift rear end of cabinet to get the other screws in.
Connect LED lights and install covers over wire access holes (Not shown in manual).
21 Roof Connector Cover
Rear marquee installation (Not shown in manual):
Hang sign mostly to the right to plug on power harness.
22 Marquee Set
Connect power harness on the left side of marquee.
Slide sign to the center, lift a little  and push back and it will fall into the mounting slots.
Install 2 screws accessible from inside above outside viewer window:
23 Inside Marquee Screw Holes
and 3 on top.
24 Top Screws 
All done!
25 All Done
Plug in and enjoy!
26 Plugged In


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