Mini Arcade Cabinet Madness

arcadeheaven May 1, 2007 1

Just look at this baby!


A really great friend brought back this very cool mini arcade cabinet from Japan. It is actually an enclosure for a Playstation controller which I think was released for the Space Invaders Anniversary but the attention to detail is incredible, it even has metal legs.


Lift up the lid and inside you can mount a PS2 controller and use the external joystick and buttons to play! Just look at that lovely mechanical engineering  🙂

I am soooo tempted to try and mount a tiny LCD screen inside this and turn it into a self contained arcade cabinet but this would mean lots of work and possibly ruining the cabinet in the process…..what should I do?????

I am going to have to let the world decide for me so head on over to the Forum and vote!!!

If you say YES then I will document the conversion and probably run an ongoing thread in the Forum. If you say NO then I will put it on a high shelf and get it out for special occasions only

Arcade Heroes please help me decide……………

One Comment »

  1. Vance May 5, 2007 at 2:14 am - Reply

    Hey, thanks for the Pixelbox plug. I do think you should convert this sexy little thing. I am curious about the dimensions and whether all the parts would fit inside. You’ll need to go with at least a mini-itx, maybe nano-itx.

    The CP angle doesn’t look very comfortable, but that kind of mini cab would have a super cool “wow” factor all the same.

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