Warlords has arrived!

Shaggy September 19, 2007 2

It came two days earlier than I had expected it to, but Warlords is here! The game is in excellent condition, I did have to make a couple of small adjustments to the monitor to getphto0251.jpg it displaying right (it must have been jostled a little in shipping) but after that it works fine.

My 1 year old (almost 2) son played it a little – he doesn’t get it yet but it’s fun nonetheless. Now I just need to invite some friends over this weekend so we can have a 4 player match.

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  1. Pointything September 20, 2007 at 10:41 am - Reply

    Nice one Shaggy, Enjoy!!!

  2. Shaggy September 21, 2007 at 2:11 am - Reply

    I have been! This weekend I hope to have a 4 player tournament, that should be a lot of fun.

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