Since it’s rare for arcade developers to update their websites, it’s generally something important or interesting that is added to these sites when they finally do get around to an update.While there is nothing here that is terribly new, Sega Amusements USA has finally updated their website with information summarizing Primeval Hunt and Sega RaceTV, as well as a new SpongBob Square Pants redemption game. In addition to the standard information that one would expect to read about the games, they also have added PDFs of the operator manuals which offer a plethora of information about the games from how to put the machine together, to how they play, how to “pay attention to customers”, etc. I actually like to look over arcade manuals sometimes as I am able to find out information right away that otherwise I might not find out with only a couple of plays of the game. For example, I was looking over the Primeval Hunt manual and they have an overview of how one can use the touch screen’s features to do things in the game. It would probably take a few plays to notice/discover all of the features but by reading the manual you can go and play the game knowing what to expect and not need to use up credits just trying to discover features(which is fine if you work for the arcade and can pump credits into the machine for free but not so much if you’re just a customer).
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COOL! Hopefully the GameWorks down here gets it.
The reason the manufacturers update now is not a sudden web savvy – they are getting ready for ASI in a couple of weeks – like wise in June we will see a update for Gala.
I understand that but I complain because they should be web savvy and not wait only for big events. They seem to not learn anything about marketing from their companies own console marketing divisions.
Did you not read the last but one Stinger – the only good (if any) coverage of the amusement ATEI show was the consumer scene. Most of the manufacturers and operators do not like or use the interest – they have a web site and a guy (their son) who plays with it every now and then to look competent – BMI is the only US web savvy site .
When I get information off the Japanese web I am told… oh you can’t do that, that’s Japan and this is America we are different. Anyway, this is the last none connected ASI (he said) – they will be announcing big changes in some US satellites for 2009 and hopefully the new executives will be web minded!!!??
Which is why I complain. 🙂 I do think that it is telling as to who is in control of the arcade/amusement industry – for the most part people that have been around since the Golden Age and have not learned to catch up with the times which is why arcade marketing is being left up to people like us. I don’t mean to slam on industry veterans but these attitudes are only holding everyone back. If they do decide to change by 09 that will be good but the move towards a more web-savvy industry is something we’ve been needing for a decade already.
I know, I’m preaching to the choir 🙂
Reality Check!
The ‘old guard’ are not going to give up without a fight – nice family guys that they are, they feel the industry owes them and will not let go – and like any older veteran they will not admit they are behind the times – they will fight tooth-and-nail, and even pull down the industry rather than admit that things need to be changed for the better.
It has taken them a long time to grab control of the sector and will not let it go, especially for ungrateful whelps such as myself and others – who like turning over rocks and asking questions. As my business begins to see better times, I get a glimpse of the roadblocks that some in this sector are prepared to put in our path just to hold on to power.
ASI’08 will be a very telling time for the American (International) amusement scene – the question is, before we get these Old Guard to leave will they hit the self destruct button and blow up our industry, rather than hand it over peacefully!!