Another console based coin-op machine, PlayCoin

Shaggy October 5, 2008 0

Well it hasn’t been long since we saw the demise of the Xbox 360 powered “Arcade Station T2” and here is another console-powered coin-op system, this time out of Greece and based upon the PS2. It doesn’t include a monitor or a base so it’s more of a tabletop type of device but I’m pretty sure this won’t see a wide-release outside of Greece.

This sort of thing reminds me of many places I saw when I lived in Brazil. While they have proper arcades there, it was a common site to find small places where they set up old game consoles for people to play and charged them per hour. I usually saw the PS1 and on occasion the N64 and once I saw them setup an Xbox. I have never been to Greece so I don’t know if they have similar places but I imagine that this is what this is what something like the PlayCoin is made for.

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