Middle East to lead growth of amusement market in the future

Shaggy April 8, 2009 0


I apologize for the lack of updates for the past little while – we are all busy with various ‘things’ in life, personally I have been spending a lot more time at the new arcade store to get it ready to go and I just haven’t had as many opportunities to write posts or research for new ones. We will always post something when we get the time for it though.

Onto a story that The Stinger Report sent us today, about the future growth of amusements and that growth taking place in the Middle East, in particular in Dubai. 75984-dealAccording to the linked article, while the current economic market is slowing things down as far as large amusement parks go, they are still going to be on track for future expansion although it will take a little but longer than they originally planned. These new attractions, which include Sega’s Joyopolis, are primarily theme-parks but you can bet that they will have arcades there and so that will mean more venues for arcade makers to sell their product to and those venues will increase as Mid-East destinations become more attractive tourism spots. This makes me wonder if we will see any game development come out of these regions, I honestly am not familiar with game development as a whole in the Mid-East but we have seen how development has increased in India as the amusement market there has grown.

[Via Ameinfo.com] [Discuss on the Forums]

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