First shot of Sega Card Gen as seen at AMOA 09, also w/ a pic of Twisted

Shaggy October 17, 2009 1


We reported a little while ago that one new title that would be seen at the recently passed AMOA 2009 show in Las Vegas was Sega’s new foray into coin-op card gaming, Sega Card Gen. But until now, we have not seen any useful pictures from the show but thanks to a link posted on AM-Net, we finally have a decent look at the game. In case you missed the news on this one, Sega Card Gen makes use of specialized baseball cards which are dispensed by the machine and then can be used by the player to play through a little game of touchscreen baseball. One reason why this is coming through a Japanese site is because it was recently announced that Sega is currently location testing this game in Japan and there has been a little bit of excitement regarding the matter on Japanese arcade sites. The game had seen some testing at the Gameworks in Chicago, IL, which you can hear more about on our most recent podcast. Probably one of the nicer things about this title is that it’s something different and Sega’s revelation on this one has already caused one company to import a card-playing arcade title of their own to the US.

As for Twisted, the new racer by GlobalVR, the one pictured above is the mini-motion configuration, which has now appeared on some arcade distributor websites with a price around $10k (the standard 32″ version going for about $6k)

One Comment »

  1. arcads4ever October 17, 2009 at 8:09 pm - Reply

    to say twisted is not that original I wouldn’t mind giving it a try though especially the motion cabinet one. I hope that baseball game makes it to the rest of the world as it sounds to be alot of fun. I’m not a big fan or anything but has anyone heard anything reguarding sega’s wccf newest update and whether its getting a world release. and one other thing does anyone know if derby owners club feel the rush is getting released worldwide as its been a while now since they anounced it

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