IAAPA Pics by Kevin Williams

Shaggy November 27, 2009 2

Now for our second-to-last post about IAAPA 2009 – the last one will be the attempt at a podcast that we did at the show although we were unable to finish it up for reasons I’ll explain later.

Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report (also a frequent contributor to Arcade Heroes) was at IAAPA and took a number of pictures, including a couple of games that I either missed or didn’t find the time to focus on. Check them out after the break, click on the pics for the full-view

Here is Terminator Salvation at the Raw Thrills’/ Betson cocktail party. It was pretty nice to see thisa in play in a room all by itself, that’s where you could tell how full the sound is.

Here is Mini-Stomper by TrioTech. This takes Trio Tech’s UFO Stomper and compacts it down to a size usable by more locations. I also imagine that it will carry with it a more compact price tag.

As you know I am always excited to hear about the developments in robotic coin-op games and I was surprised to see MaruBot Footall (or Robot Soccer) at the show. I didn’t spend a lot of time with the game but one problem I noticed right off the bat was that the controls were not intuitive and take more time getting used to than I spent on the game. This is an issue all robotic games have to deal with as some pull off the controls much better than others. It’s worth noting that I did not see SlamBot at the show, they had been at previous IAAPA events so I am not sure what has become of them.

Here is Pump It up JUMP by Andamiro. I never saw anyone play this but that could be because it was a game for kids and there weren’t a lot of kids around.

I only saw this game walking by and didn’t take the time to sit down and play it. I still like the trend of seeing these four player table top games however.

At the same booth as the game above (Joymax), they had a game with a Panic Park like controller but only for one player.

Panda Family by IGS is actually a lot of fun and the cabinet looks cool

Everyone’s favorite touch screen bemani music game(I guess bemani is supposed to be used for select Konami games)  was at the show, DJ Max Technika.

Speaking of DJ Max Technika, the first Technika clone I’ve seen was at IAAPA, Magic DJ

H2Overdrive is already an awesome game so try it with motion!

If you really want to do a proper racing simulator than this is the way to go.

Big screens always go well with simiulators

Trans-Force was at the show again. This is one I wanted to check out but every time I remembered to check it out I was on my way to get some food. For those that don’t know about this, it’s like a compact Galaxian 3 where up to five players sit inside the unit and each has a turret controller to shoot down enemies while playing through a space combat game.

While this AquaRace simulator seems to be vying more for the same market as PowerBoat, you still can’t shake off the influence from H2Overdrive

These Cruden simulators were pretty cool and you can see Kevin enjoying it on the third pic down

Virtusphere was a fairly popular attraction at the show from what I saw. I didn’t give it a spin but it’s actually cool to watch.

Here’s a crazy thrill ride for you

More plush than you can shake a stick at

There were quite a few of these green screen or similar setups at the show where you play around with some mixed reality ideas.

For more of Kevin’s IAAPA pics, see his gallery here


  1. bacon November 27, 2009 at 9:37 pm - Reply

    “Everyone’s favorite touch screen bemani game was at the show, DJ Max Technika.”

    lol bemani?

  2. Kimone November 28, 2009 at 6:50 am - Reply

    i loled too

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