The latest update to Virtua Fighter 5 in motion

Shaggy June 8, 2010 1

Stinger Newsfeed 825

While many companies in Japan continue to pump out new fighters or updates to games already in their line-up, Sega isn’t far behind. With Virtua Fighter 5, Sega maintains at least one game on the list of high profile fighters. The latest update, Virtua Figher 5R Final Showdown or VF5RFS for short, continues to tweak the VF5 formula for fans although I admit that I am not familiar enough with how VF5 plays to tell you what it is that this will add beyond some of the mentioned features of special costumes (which doesn’t affect anything other than aesthetics).

This is an update for arcades and while I know of this being available internationally there is no word on how available this update will be to arcades who own the game outside of Japan, in part due to the usage of ALL.NET. The game continues to look quite good, which is a great way to draw in new players although I know that some fans in the realm of fighters have their preferences for one particular game over another no matter what new features is thrown at it

One Comment »

  1. twinturbo2 June 8, 2010 at 2:08 pm - Reply

    There’s no way in hell this will show up in North American arcades. I’m hoping for a console port, then…

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