It’s been a few months since we first saw Taito’s newest foray into the realm of light-gun shooters, Gaia Attack 4 and today they released a full trailer for the title on their Japanese Youtube channel. To bring you up to speed on this in case you missed it, GA4 is a four-player light-gun shooter that overlays CG effects that you shoot on top of real world footage. Is there a chance that this could see an international release? We’re not sure but seeing how they are trying out Elevator Action Death Parade internationally, you never say never. A four-player light-gun arcade game is also something that is a novelty these days with which can grab it extra attention based upon that fact alone. The last one I know of was Konami’s Warzaid and that came out in 2003 (as a sidenote, the only one I have ever seen was when I was in Brazil recently).
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Looks like super-cheesy fun 🙂
I think it looks fun, but the four player element will boost the interest value (as well as the price!)
Looks great, please give us a Euro release!
Wartran Troopers was the last 4 player gun I believe.