Back in 1993 Namco had a game which combined two popular arcade genres into one game – a racer and a light-gun shooter with Lucky & Wild. With the huge focus we have on both of those genres today I am surprised we don’t see something like this more often although Namco sort of did that in Deadstorm Pirates by including a wheel in the game, although that is only used in occasional events. Today I came across the Youtube channel for an arcade game developer in Taiwan called InJoy Motion Corp., who we have covered before. They specialize in motion based games and a few weeks ago they posted a video of a new game they are calling Crusier. Unfortunately the video focuses on showing people being jostled by the cabinet and not the game itself but if you stick with it, you do see the game for brief moments in the game and see the controls, which is designed for two players. One player drives with a steering wheel and the other fires using a joystick controller. From what little we see, it appears that the graphics are shiny and colorful but it’s really hard to say based on this video alone. I do like the colorful cabinet although it would be better if it was designed like a space ship or whatever it is you are supposed to be flying in the game.
There are some other interesting videos they have on their channel, including one I’ll post here showing some sort of prototype for a different kind of gun game. They also have direct feed videos of their other titles, including Street Racing Stars, Dido Kart Racing, Top Gunner, PowerBoat V2.0 and Panzer Elite Action