Arcade Heroes Podcast #16

Shaggy July 30, 2010 5

With July coming to a close it’s a perfect time to review what went on since our last podcast and discuss some recent things (including the new Darius which gets it’s big reveal tomorrow, we hope). Beyond Darius we also talk about:

-AAMA Distributor Gala

-Other new and recent game developments

-AVATAR Pinball

-Co-op play

-Konami retrospective

The time flew by as Kevin and I were talking and this one clocks in at nearly 2 hours. On our end the audio disparity between Kevin and myself sounded like it was fixed. Thanks for listening.

Download the podcast here!


  1. Molloy July 30, 2010 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    Should up these on Megaupload or something when they’re so big. The download speed on this is slow and keeps cutting out on me.

    • Shaggy July 30, 2010 at 2:16 pm - Reply

      I will see if I can put them somewhere else. I know someone asked about iTunes once as well.

  2. Molloy July 31, 2010 at 3:53 pm - Reply

    I really enjoyed this. I used to listen to these all the time but I forgot about them in the last year or so. The audio quality has improved significantly. The two of you have a nice rapport.

    iTunes would probably be a good idea because it’d give you more visibility. Might drag some traffic to the site as well. Wouldn’t imagine it’d be that hard to get on there as it’s just talk and no music.

    • Shaggy July 31, 2010 at 4:46 pm - Reply

      Thanks Molloy, I appreciate the comments and feedback. Hopefully we can improve further on the podcasts. Next time I will try and have it uploaded directly to the website here and of course until then I’ll find out how you deal with iTunes.

  3. igo August 2, 2010 at 11:46 pm - Reply

    Cool. I always look forward to the AH podcasts.

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