Sega’s Tokyo Joypolis making an Ace Attorney attraction this spring

arcadehero February 4, 2011 2

Newsfeed 997 via The Stinger Report

I have never played Capcom’s Ace Attorney game but I’ve read stories about it on various gaming blogs and news outlets. The game has sold millions of units and with a sequel on the way, Sega’s Joypolis amusement park in Tokyo and Capcom are teaming up to turn Ace Attorney into an amusement park attraction. According to the auto-translated PDF, here is what people who play the game can expect:

gather evidence themselves walking a variety of guest information, hotel search for the perpetrators of the incident type migration. Guests hero of the game “Mitsurugi Reiji,” the site and the “investigation.” We will get the information uncovered the truth.The original story attraction is “Mitsurugi Reiji,” featuring a number of other game characters, including a prosecutor room. And three-dimensional reproduction of “game” the world of “real” wealth of experience to the trick. Games like this, of course, who is also the first time Entertainment attraction of highly intelligent reasoning to enjoy authentic

In other words, players get to experience their own round of Ace Attorney set to an original story, with the benefit of having a real set to play on while they collect evidence and figure out a mystery. The PR also notes that customers receive a notebook at the beginning and by using terminals scattered throughout the set and by using their own logic, they can discover  who the real perpetrator of the crime is. The game will cost 600 yen per person and a play-through will last twenty minutes. The Ace Attorney attraction opens this Spring at the Tokyo Joypolis, right after the home release of Ace Attorney 2. Unfortunately this small image to the right is the largest representation we have at the moment of the new attraction, which could easily include more than what is shown here. Perhaps a teaser of the attraction will make an appearance at AOU, a big amusement expo that is coming up this month in Japan where all sorts of new amusement and arcade games will be shown off.

[Tokyo Joypolis website]


  1. louise February 18, 2011 at 4:27 pm - Reply

    bring chao and bean back to sonic games please and please make a new
    billy hather game please also please bring fang and bark and espiro back to
    the sonic games please

  2. Fan November 9, 2012 at 10:45 pm - Reply

    SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! This sounds great!

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