Street Fighter IV 3D Arcade version? Plus many more games from China

arcadehero March 26, 2011 8

Newsfeed 1024 via The Stinger Report

A few days ago we posted a couple of pictures from Wahlap Technologies, a distributor based out of Taiwan, showing a couple of new games from a trade event that they attended in China. Here are the rest of the pictures from that particular trade show where we see that Sega, Namco, Taito and Raw Thrills had their products officially represented there. For all of the talk from the “experts” who claim that the arcade industry in a decline, they aren’t getting those death memos in China as you’ll see below. There is more new product here than we’re seeing in arcade trade shows in other parts of the world which shows that the arcade industry there continues to grow – and of course find out what the SFIV 3D is about.

Hit the break below for the pics:

Click on the images for the full view.

The possible Street Fighter IV 3D. I would expect it to be Super Street Fighter IV 3D but this is just SFIV. As you can see, the two guys playing the game appear to have 3D glasses on and the image on the screen has that 3D blur but that could be just the movement of the game. You can people wearing similar glasses in the second picture as well however. 3D is plastered all over the cabinet and they even made a special 3D marquee for it. The game seen to the far left has none of that blur but I wonder if they could have built a 2D/3D switch to change the effect. Either way, judging from the cabinet design I think that this is just a hack of some sort but it would show that it could be done. If it were official it seems strange that China would get this before Japan, despite the growth of the market in China as well as 3D development there.

UPDATE: As a couple of commentors have pointed out, this is probably the PC version which could take advantage of 3D technologies such as nVidia’s 3D Vision.

UPDATE#2: Just as a clarification, I am not sure the name of the company who was showing this off as that information wasn’t included with the pictures and they don’t have the name of their company in English anywhere I could see – it wasn’t Wahlap Technologies but some other company I haven’t seen before – their logo is seen on the bottom of the cabinets with the three “i’s”.

Fortunately not everything at the show was a bootleg or clone. It looks like the Sega booth wasn’t hard to find. In the 2nd pic if you look closely you can see that Initial D6 AA was there, which they didn’t even show at AOU last month.

A bunch of Sega games weren’t at the Sega booth, but this one by Zhonggugame.They had Sega Rally 3 Deluxe and Sega Golden Gun in a new deluxe cabinet they had advertising for Let’s Go Island 3D but none of the pics I received showed it there.

Namco had a nice booth there with Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX+, Deadstorm Pirates, Tank! Tank! Tank!, Nirin and a new racing game called Final Turn, which is seen in the first picture here. Unfortunately, I can’t find out anything else about Final Turn – it looks like it’s in an older cabinet so I don’t know if it is really new or not or maybe it’s just a prototype cabinet.

UNIS had Raw Thrills’ Super Bikes 2 on hand and if that isn’t Namco’s Panic Park on the far right, then it’s something an awful lot like it

And right next to Super Bikes 2 was Darius Burst Another Chronicle, in Chinese. In the second pic is where you can barely see DJ Max Technika 2 and uBeat over to the left.

Taito also had a booth setup showing Darius Burst Another Chronicle, Haunted Museum II, Hopping Road and Gaia Attack 4 (GA4 can be seen in pic #2 towards the left) and some other games

More from Wahlap Technologies. 1st pic: Speed Driver 3, DrumMania XG and GuitarFreaks XG. 2nd pic: Storm Racer, Gspirit Tennis

The front of the International DragonWorld booth. Gee, I wonder why no one was seen playing that cutesy game up front? 😉 Also at their booth in this order: a new ticket redemption game with an ancient Egyptian theme; some sort of 3D game that uses a joystick; a touchscreen game called Shopping Baby; and Bloody Taizerhuang, which I got a chance to play at IAAPA. It seems like every time I see this game the cabinet is different.

Speaking of clones, tucked way in the back here of the Tecway booth you’ll see a red cabinet. That’s Tank Wonder, their “take” on Namco’s Tank! Tank! Tank!

I have no idea who this is but the booth design is pretty cool. I can’t really comment on the games since they are too far away to see any significant details

Tippin’ Bloks goes to China. Looks like there was some sort of new racing game there to the right but it’s blocked by people and there was a no pictures sign of it anyways.

Hey that looks familiar – it’s a Half-Life 2 Arcade cabinet running some other kind of FPS called Miraculous Soldier

A dancing game by the name of DJ Live by Advanced Amusement Games. At least the cabinet design is original!

A light-gun title that uses submachine guns called 1937. This was a little strange though as there were two light-gun games by that name in different cabinets.

If you decide to visit the website listed on the booth in this photo, it has nothing to do with arcade games and it NSFW. Probably NSFYOURPC either with malware. I found this out the hard way(just taking one for the team). But I point this out as there is a colorful four-player mounted gun game here, too bad we couldn’t get a closer look

The show wasn’t devoid of clones and ripoffs unfortunately. Such as this Pump It Up in a cabinet called Dancer X

Yeah, trying this outside of China is a really bad idea. It should be a bad idea anyways but unfortunately property protection there is pretty lax as you have already seen.

Some sort of mounted light-gun game

And another light-gun game wishing it were Vulcan M

And another! If you have a chaingun fetish, I guess that means go to China.

Power Stone is always a good game to have handy

Now for those of you who decided to come all the way to the bottom, stay tuned for a revelation on another game that was seen at the show but I was asked to keep it under wraps for now after I contacted the parent company about it. It will get a post all of it’s own when I’m able to say something but one thing I can mention is that it was completely unexpected and it’s based upon a popular home game.


  1. Jack March 26, 2011 at 8:08 pm - Reply

    Just guessing here, but SFIV 3D is probably a bootleg based on the PC version of the game, which Nvidia supports (supported? can’t find a profile for it in the most recent drivers) with its 3D Vision stuff.

  2. editor March 27, 2011 at 9:56 am - Reply

    Surprised that you did not know ‘Final Tune’ (2008)

    • arcadehero March 27, 2011 at 1:39 pm - Reply

      One of the few I missed, thanks Kevin. 😉

      • Rafi Andhika August 4, 2013 at 4:34 am - Reply

        Where’s the website for namco final turn in official japanese version

  3. shouoken March 27, 2011 at 11:14 am - Reply

    I’m more than willing to say that this Street Fighter IV is bootleg. The hard drive image leaked ages ago, and bootleg kits have been floating around for a while. But, I think this is actually the PC version, due to the infinite character select time, and the position of the Ultra and health bars.

    There’s not a single Capcom logo in sight, and the build quality, specifically the figures on the marquee, looks kinda off. If this was legit, odds are it would’ve shown up somewhere other than China first.

  4. MasterFygar March 28, 2011 at 6:25 am - Reply

    For what it’s worth, SFIV had an official 3D release on Nintendo’s 3DS. While I doubt that they could use the same software on arcade hardware (especially without Nintendo’s permission), it seems like good timing considering the 3DS version was only released yesterday in the states and not much earlier this year in Japan.

    • MasterFygar March 28, 2011 at 6:32 am - Reply

      Also, not really a big shock I’m sure but the art on “Shopping Baby” is a really obvious rip off of Nintendo’s “____ Mama” (Cooking Mama, Gardening Mama, etc.) series right down to the presumably main character on the marquee. It’s either a really good copy or a flat out Photoshop.

  5. Rafi Andhika August 4, 2013 at 4:33 am - Reply

    SFIV with the Nvidia logo just shocking to change the name into SFMT3DX+ (reply to Jack), with the stupid Maximum tune 3DX+ Chinese cab at 3rd picture at namco booth , it doesn’t same as Japanese version which is colorful , And the game for chinese version (MT) The story is not chinese + name of rival in story don’t chinese version, and next to rank doesn’t has a chinese written on it and there’s no title in chinese when race or get title + card must same as japanese version and languange is china

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