Darius Burst Another Chronicle goes EX

arcadehero June 21, 2011 1

What do you do with a popular game? You “sequelize” it of course. It’s no different for video games than books or movies since people enjoy the original so much. Yesterday we saw that Konami has done it with their Reflec Beat Bemani game; For Taito, their series of Darius games have been successful enough to warrant various sequels since the original title was released in 1986. Now with Darius Burst Another Chronicle grabbing enough attention that it found lines of players waiting to play it in Japan and enough of an outcry (sponsored by us here) to bring the game out internationally, it looks like they are ready with an upgrade/sequel to the game of sorts. The only thing we know about it at this point is the title: Darius Burst Another Chronicle EX. Whether the upgrade will be made available for the English version probably depends upon how well that version sells in the first place although from what I found out, players shouldn’t bore of the game easily – while Original mode has a little over a dozen stages, Chronicle mode has over 1,000 stages to unlock and explore, which makes it one of the most expansive arcade games in recent memory(if not ever). That number doesn’t include all of the unlocks they provide for the mode either.

We’ll have more information on this as it develops.

DBACEX Announcement Page

One Comment »

  1. Arcades4ever June 22, 2011 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    Seems to be like its really sucessful anyway, its reminds me of what sega did with outrun 2 series, maybe its might be a large scale screen with added new levels 🙂 BTW can anyone tell me when DBAC will be on location test at trocadero and also is it being tested at any of the namco station arcades? I’m on my way to manchester on friday and will be calling in to namco station in manchester’s trafford centre. I really hope its sucessful DBAC on location test so fingers cross when its being tested. Almost forgot when does the test end BTW?

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