The Games of EAS 2011 in London

arcadehero September 27, 2011 7

Today in London there was an event to show off some of the latest creations in the arcade/amusement/out-of-home entertainment sector. Kevin Williams of The Stinger Report was there at EAS 2011 to snap some photos of the games that were on hand, click below to check out some of the new stuff including Virtua Tennis 4, Let’s Go Island 3D, Deadstorm Pirates 3D, Robo Restle, Dirty Drivin’ and more

First up from Kevin is a look at the Sega booth which includes the first overseas appearance of Let’s Go Island 3D. This game is also listed on the Sega US site so I imagine we’ll be seeing it at IAAPA as well. As we’ve mentioned many times before, no 3D glasses required.

Sega wasn’t the only company to show off a 3D game as Namco demonstrated with Deadstorm Pirates 3D. This is also the first time they have shown this title overseas. From the looks of it, it’s a 4 player game now although will it just be a large format theater game or will it be done in a smaller form?


Another first time overseas appearance happens to be that of Sega’s Virtua Tennis 4. We did know about this in advance thanks to JAMMA, where this was shown to be made primarily for the international market. It still remains to be seen whether this is a European specific release or not.

We have seen Robo Restle and the standard version of DeadStorm Pirates previously however this marks the first time the final release version of Robo Restle has been seen. It’s not clear when it will be available exactly but I imagine it will be very soon.

Operation GHOST

Dirty Drivin’

Sonic Blast Heroes and Frightfearland, European versions.

Cube Shooter. We first saw this at the DEAL show earlier this year.

Fruit Ninja FX

A couple of racing simulators were there to draw some attention, RaceRoom and EvoTek.

TrioTech’s XD Theater and XD Dark Ride

A 5D Cinema called Landscape Navigator

The TransForce 5D system

The 5D Alterface

An entertainment robot called Robot Thespian

The Animalive entertainment system

If we get anything else from EAS, I’ll be sure to share.


  1. Araces4ever September 28, 2011 at 5:49 am - Reply

    Was namco’s dark escape there? I guess theres still time for it to make an appeirance before january and hopefully out for 2012.

  2. RJAY63 September 28, 2011 at 11:25 am - Reply

    Why a Virtua Tennis 4 coin-op? Has there been strong demand from the arcade scene to create an out of home version?

    • Arcades4ever September 29, 2011 at 1:19 am - Reply

      I think virtua tennis 4 will really work as a 4 player arcade game. i’ve noticed abit of a craze with 4 player games e.g. New super mario bros, rayman origins, kirby returns to dreamland etc. I believe virtua tennis will come to europe at least anyway as virtue tennis 3 came out when I found a few in greece and tennerief.

      • arcadehero September 29, 2011 at 7:21 am - Reply

        I do wonder how it will do. With 4p that is always good since it means that the potential for earning is higher than a 2p game. You’ll also notice that all of the stick games coming back onto the International market are all 4p games too: Pac-Man Battle Royale, Darius Burst Another Chronicle, now this. Hopefully Sega’s price on this is very low as all other sports games are. Of course only IT is really making sports games these days with the likes of Golden Tee.

  3. Steven Rodriguez September 29, 2011 at 5:56 pm - Reply

    That Virtua Tennis 4 arcade cabinet is really cool looking. The 4 player setup makes it sound like it will be really fun to play with.

    It also looks like an iPhone. LOL!!

  4. editor October 3, 2011 at 4:05 am - Reply

    I have problems with VT4 – it is a great game and I played it at the show – all the elements are there and the 4P capability will add to the mix.

    It is just that I am not sure that the operators will like the way the Coin-Mech works – and also is it really what they need? This is a non-standard upright (like Steve’s analogy) and is not as cheap as a kit option!

    The game was released as they feel it will suit the UK buyer interest (as the original is still run by many operators!) – even though there was no plans for its release after the console launch.

    But are these buyers still there – and should we not be aiming for the new market?

    • arcadehero October 3, 2011 at 10:17 am - Reply

      What is different about the coin mech, you mean the Japanese standard top coin mech?

      It has surprised me, I think what will help/detract is the price. I’ve never seen a VT of any kind in the US, I’m sure there are a couple of older ones out there. I guess it would be interesting to see the console sales numbers here to know what kind of demand there was for it.

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