Sega Releases Transformers Human Alliance Teaser

arcadehero July 12, 2013 3
Sega Releases Transformers Human Alliance Teaser

Not long ago we found out that Sega was testing out a new arcade game called Transformers Human Alliance. It was first being tested out in China but there was very little info about it. We made some guesses based on that little info but today it’s much clearer what the deal is with this game.

As you can see from the brief teaser below, it is definitely a light-gun game. Graphically it looks much sharper than a Ringwide game so Ringedge or Ringedge 2 is certainly a possibility. It will be based on the new Transformers movies although probably as a self-contained story based upon those and not one specific film. As you will notice in the screenshots below, sometimes you can see the virtual guns on-screen – which is often indicative of a fixed/mounted light-gun cabinet. That doesn’t mean it absolutely is, it’s just a feature typically found in that format. We’ll only know when we get a cabinet shot. Other than that there are still some holes to be filled but with this teaser coming now there are three assumptions I would say are solid. 1) It will not be limited to China. It will be coming out West 2) It will be coming this year 3) Very good chance it is going to be seen at the AAMA Gala in just a few weeks. That is an event in Chicago where some new games are usually shown off. Either way stay tuned to Arcade Heroes for more information as we find it out.

Screen captures are below the video





  1. arcades4ever August 29, 2013 at 4:09 am - Reply

    looking at the video from what I’ve seen it looks like this could be a mounted gun game like gunblade but then there could be other features other than the gun we don’t know about e.g. a pedal, trackball etc who knows 🙂

    • arcadehero August 29, 2013 at 10:29 am - Reply

      There was another post (as well as Twitter) where I described the cabinet. I saw it from the AAMA Gala event on a phone but do not have the pic to share as Sega was trying to clamp down on that. It’s basically a cross between a Terminator Salvation 42″ Fixed Guns and a Let’s Go Island upright cabinet. It’s yellow, reuses the LGI guns but with a chrome finish, some multi-colored LEDs on the sides. Someone else who played it at the show said it was ok but he personally thought that the environments could use some work (his example was a desert level that was just sand, nothing else to make it more interesting)

  2. Kate September 30, 2013 at 3:11 pm - Reply

    There are 2 prototypes in the world. Tenpin Acton (London UK) have it currently as well as 1 in the US. Tomorrow I will post pictures on Tenpin Acton Facebook page for you to see it.

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