Exclusive New Images From Specular Interactive’s Batman Arcade

arcadehero September 19, 2013 1

Last week we got a look at a near production model cabinet for the upcoming Batman Arcade game by Specular Interactive and Raw Thrills. As discussed in that post, this new game will allow players to fill in the role of Batman (not the Ben Affleck version I might add 😛 ) with a focus on the vehicular technology behind the character. For all of the instances that Batman has had in video games over the years, the use of the Batmobile was usually not given full attention so this title will make up for that. This week we get three screenshots from the game, courtesy of Specular Interactive.

First shot is just one of the many Batmobile models players can choose from. The three shots I was sent are at 1360×768 resolution, which is the same resolution that H2Overdrive and Dirty Drivin’ ran at. I imagine that like those games this will maintain a frame rate of 60FPS, which is just what we like to see with our arcade games :

Specular Batman Arcade A

A street battle in the “Tumbler”.

Specular Batman Arcade B

This shot reveals that you will get a chance to blow stuff up in the air with the Batwing. Not sure if this sequence is on or off-rails and whether the player will also be able to choose from various different Batwing models. I cannot think of an instance in any recent coin-op arcade game that combines elements of both driving and flying into the play (catching air off a jump doesn’t count).

Specular Batman Arcade C

Batman will make its way into arcades this November.

One Comment »

  1. Amin Masters October 3, 2013 at 8:56 pm - Reply

    That’s not The Batwing, it’s Just “The Bat”.

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