Kriss Sport Releases Catch The Light/Neuron Race For Arcades Worldwide

arcadehero May 22, 2014 6

Kriss Sport, a Polish developer of reflex/physical games like boxing machines has released a new competitive reflex game to markets in Europe, Japan and North America called Catch The Light. This is similar to the premise behind LAI’s popular Speed of Light redemption game, although setup in a way that makes it easier to compete with another player. As a head-to-head table it looks easy for kids or adults to play and it looks pretty cool in the dark. While the main focus for this will probably be redemption, they mention “ticket ready” which means not required, so a location could set it up for entertainment/competition-only if they so choose. Topped of with “8-bit retro music”, it’s a good package that also is pretty affordable. One of the site sponsors here, BMI Gaming, lists it for $2375 which is well below Speed of Light’s near $9000 price tag.

Here’s a video of the game in action:

They also have a second model called Neuron Race. It’s the same thing conceptually, just in a different art package (using TRON-style neon art, which is fitting).





  1. Arcades4ever May 22, 2014 at 2:10 pm - Reply

    Looks interesting from watching the video. There is a lack of table games which hasn’t been explored other than traditional games like air hockey, pool, snooker (billiards to you american arcade heroe readers). Simple yet fun and is especially attracted to people of all ages and skills. looks fun 🙂

    • arcadehero May 22, 2014 at 2:20 pm - Reply

      Yeah there is a lot of potential for these kinds of games that do something different. I’ve had an idea for one but I keep dragging my feet on putting something together.

    • Phil "iTossWomenSalads" Arrington May 22, 2014 at 2:57 pm - Reply

      Sega needs a work with you

      • Phil "iTossWomenSalads" Arrington May 22, 2014 at 2:58 pm - Reply


        • arcadehero May 22, 2014 at 3:10 pm -

          Been too long though. It seems doubtful that the current Sega would try something like Flash Beats again, unless it was tied to a license of some kind

        • chaos May 22, 2014 at 7:07 pm -

          The Flash Beats game concept seems like it could work without any music just sounds.

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