Bandai Namco Amusements’ Time Crisis 5 Is Coming To Arcades In Spring 2015

arcadehero October 20, 2014 8

First released in 1995, the light-gun/foot pedal light-gun shooting game quickly gained a following of fans and the success of the series gave us a few sequels and a couple of spin-offs. The last time the series officially graced the arcade scene was with Time Crisis 4 released in 2006 and the spin-off of Razing Storm in 2008. That will change in 2015 with the arrival of Time Crisis 5, which is set for a full international release around March/April 2015. It is also worth noting that Tekken 7 will be available in Japan in February 2015 but we have not confirmed yet that it will be making the trip West; Time Crisis 5 certainly will be.

I had a hunch from various tips that this was coming, but it is taking a slight back seat to Star Wars Battle Pod and it will not be shown at IAAPA 2014. Instead we should get our first hands-on time with it at Amusement Expo 2015 in Las Vegas.

UPDATE: Japanese game sites Gamer and Game Watch have some images of the game, a few of which I will share with you here:

















The only solid info we have on the game at the moment is from this flyer below which shows a deluxe cabinet that uses 2x 55″ screens, a specialized pistol and the foot pedals move the character from side to side in addition to taking cover. AM-Net where this flyer was posted, also lists two prices for the game, one is around $18k (assuming it is the deluxe 55″ version) and there is another price which is around $9k, which we can assume for the moment is a smaller, standard version of the game.




We will share more details on the game when we get them, stay tuned!




  1. Arcades4ever October 20, 2014 at 10:43 am - Reply

    After seeing the 2 pedals it’s made me think of sega’s 2 spicey light gun game released back in 2007. Have mixed views on the protagonist thought but will have to see but this game would be incomplete without wild dog in it or at least made a big reference somehow. Wonder if this game will be at EAG since the focus is going to be on the Star Wars battle pod game?
    So can’t wait to play this 😀

  2. jon October 20, 2014 at 11:19 am - Reply

    XD yay crisis is back 🙂 cant wait for this

  3. jonny October 20, 2014 at 1:36 pm - Reply

    I see wild dogs electromagnetic gun being used there by that boss 😀 hopefully by the look of those future cut baddies itll explain who the bloody hell they are from raizing storm concepts ? 🙂

  4. Arcades4ever October 20, 2014 at 2:41 pm - Reply

    The screenshots look great though I hope the game runs at 60 per second unlike what happened with razing storm. Don’t get me wrong I loved razing storm but the game oftern slowed down when the more action the game displaid onscreen at once. I do hope the game won’t prove too difficult for some new players with it having 2 pedals instead of just one. Weren’t that the only thing that stopped 2 spicey selling more units but also the stupid name didn’t really do it any favours though.

  5. Seth Eldridge October 20, 2014 at 8:59 pm - Reply

    Wonder if the two pedals will be used for the multi-screen battles since it might be faster than pointing the gun at the edge of the screen (like in time crisis 4)

  6. Neko—CaptainNoob October 21, 2014 at 5:36 am - Reply

    @ Pic 11

    WILD DOG !!!!! STILL ALIVE !!!!!

    /Spoil Self detonate after defeated by VSSE agents
    again and see ya in TC6 ….. lol

    maybe Wild dog is immortal XD

  7. masterLEON October 25, 2014 at 9:45 pm - Reply

    “Just to be sure…ha ha ha ha ha!” Wild Dog

  8. MacD January 1, 2015 at 3:50 pm - Reply

    I can’t wait to play this game…hope it will also come to PS4 using the Move or a new GunCon gun…

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