Well yesterday was quite busy – if you haven’t seen the news then just hit up the Arcade Heroes main page to see the latest about Sega, UNIS and Andamiro.
First a little self-promotion if you don’t mind. Arcade Heroes is coming up on its 8th year in existence next month so it feels fitting to start doing some AH-branded products. You can now purchase some official Arcade Heroes T-Shirts from Teepublic.com. They fix the price at $20 but when new designs are listed, those will be on sale for $14 for the first two days. At the moment I only have six designs up however, I am working on some others. One is taking a bit longer to do but it is more detailed than any of the others and I want to get it just right. I also have some AH cool stickers which can work as a bumper sticker or something else I’m just not sure yet how to go about selling those. I’ll figure it out before Christmas. 😉
8 Bit Barcade – In new venue news, a new bar/arcade concept has opened up in Kenosha Wisconsin, by the name of “8 Bit Barcade”. I have not found a published list of games but I do know through a Facebook friend that they have some pinball machines like Dracula, The Addams Family, Fish Tales, Who Dunnit and Attack From Mars and several 80s/90s video arcade games. They have some awesome artwork inside and out of the building, all based on video arcade themes of course. If you are in the area go and check them out; you can visit their Facebook page here.
Big Bang Theory – I have seen this making the rounds through a few sources this week. In the most recent episode of CBS’ popular The Big Bang Theory there was some arcade love to be found as the main guy characters from the show visited some sort of museum which happened to have several arcade games on hand. Those games were provided by Supercade (Facebook link), which was able to furnish some very nice condition titles and a few rarities including Computer Space, Gotcha, Warlords cocktail and a Shark JAWS. I missed out on the episode, I haven’t seen the show in a while but it is cool to finally see them giving arcades some props. They should have an arcade that they regularly visit in addition to the comic book store 😉
Unaired Nick Arcade Pilot – Speaking of TV Shows, the unaired pilot of Nick Arcade was posted to YouTube this week. This didn’t always have something to do with coin-op arcades from what I can recall, although I only remember catching it rarely back in the day and it has been many years since then. If you have 30 minutes to kill then here you go:
Time Crisis 5 Location Test – Finally, in case anyone is in Osaka, Japan with access to the Namco Umeda location, they will be holding a location test for Time Crisis 5 from today until Monday. We’ll update with photos in a future post if any come out!