New Arcades: Moonwalker; Cobra Arcade Bar; The Quarter Barrel; Shelter Arcade Bar; Sunshine Pinball; Super Bario

arcadehero January 6, 2016 3

New Arcades

I can’t recall a post quite like this that covers this many new arcade locations in one shot. From new ‘pure’ arcades to bar/arcades to those looking to open, it has everything except for a new FEC. Thanks to Michael Louie for the links on all of these excepting the Super Bario – we’ve got quite a lot of ground to cover.

The List:

Moonwalker Arcade Opens in Vestal, NY (Sep. 2015) – This is one we missed for opening last year in Vestal, NY. Eschewing the bar/arcade model, this one is going for the more traditional arcade model with video games (both old and new), pinball (both old and new), pool, air hockey and redemption. They have the right idea by featuring some new stuff as well as the old.  Their Facebook page can be found here.



Cobra Arcade Bar Opens In Phoenix, AZ – This one just opened in downtown Phoenix, AZ, by the name of Cobra Arcade Bar. They have both classic video arcades and pinball to offer but it is catering only to a 21+ adult crowd for now. That’s one great looking Space Harrier! [Cobra Arcade Bar Facebook page]


The Quarter Barrel Opens In Cedar Rapids, IA – One of the most shared recent stories on this CBS News Iowa site is the article covering the Arcade Brewpub opening. According to their Facebook page, they already have a strong following which likely stemmed from that story. From a post on their page, they currently have 18 video games and five pinball machines with more coming once they are repaired.


Shelter Arcade Bar Aiming to Open in Providence, RI January 29th – Rhode Island is not a state where I recall reporting on any new arcade in the 9 years AH has been around but that is to be expected with the tiniest state in the nation. So if you are anywhere near RI and you are looking for the bar/arcade experience, then Shelter Bar Arcade will be offering that by the end of this month, replete with pinball. They have a Kickstarter up but state that if that fails to reach the funding goal, the business will open anyways. [Shelter Arcade Bar Facebook]

Sunshine Pinball – This location actually began adding pinball machines to the laundromat back in 2011 but they recently got some great exposure from an article in the New York Times. In checking the AH archives this was a venue we had missed so better late than never!

Now for a little international flare:

Super Bario Aims To Open This February in Glasgow, UK – (via Patrick Michael). While most bar/arcades have been a US thing, some international venues are starting to pick up on it.  The first venue on our list is one hoping to open up next month in Glasglow, UK, assuming their Kickstarter reaches the funding goal of £5,000 ($7588USD). With 5 days left they are close to the goal but you never know with crowdfunding. Fortunately it doesn’t appear that they need a massive amount to get started to if that doesn’t work out, other avenues of investment income should be possible to come by.

Montreal Blocks Arcade Bar – Over in Canada another potential arcade/bar is having to fight the local government over changing a by-law which prohibits alcohol being professionally served within 25 meters of amusement centers/arcades. Like usual there isn’t a whole lot of logic applied to the reason behind it (is that the distance that people suddenly become disinterested or something?) but if it is a law on the books, they have to resolve it before the doors are opened. More info at

Whew, that is all – for the moment! We wish these venues the best of luck in their new business, the 1st year is always the most difficult as you stumble along but if you can survive those mistakes and learn from them, then you can keep the dream going.


  1. Jason January 6, 2016 at 6:09 pm - Reply

    Thanks for mentioning my Moonwalker Arcade on your website. It’s a huge honor, I’ve been following Arcade Heroes for a long long time now. Besides the arcade I own a Coin-Operated Machine & ATM route in my area for the past 12 years. I have 4 other arcade setups inside Bowling Alleys & Skating Rinks and many Bar & Pub locations. Moonwalker is my first standalone arcade featuring a little bit of everything I do all over Southern Tier NY. Thanks Again!

    • arcadehero January 8, 2016 at 2:16 pm - Reply

      You are welcome Jason, thanks for reading/following the site! I hope this standalone venture stays strong!

  2. Niiice January 8, 2016 at 1:20 pm - Reply

    Congratz on ur Moonwalker. I just checked out piball wizard arcade and hope to visit yours as well soon!
    ROAD TRIP!!!!

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