Newsbytes: Mortal Kombat Menus; Donkey Kong Remix; JAEPO; Pinball; Polycade

arcadehero February 27, 2016 2

I think we have a few videos to share this time around…. happy weekend!

Hidden Menus To Mortal Kombat Arcade Discovered (thanks to everyone that sent this tip in)- In the biggest news of the week, YourMKArcadeSource has posted these videos of the recently (October 2015) discovered codes to hidden menus in Mortal Kombat arcade games (all minus MK4, which if it exists, it hasn’t been discovered yet). The original 10 min video can be found here but if you don’t have the time, these two videos distill it down for you.  The MK3 menu has the most extensive features but I have tried it on my Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 machine a few times to no avail so far…guess I need to speed up my button mashing 😛

Short version:


Donkey Kong Remix Available Now – Popular games from the 80s are often the subject of hacks or upgrades, Nintendo’s Donkey Kong not being an exception. Among the more interesting additions was the Donkey Kong 2 upgrade board, which when plugged into a real DK arcade board would add more levels to the game. Now comes Donkey Kong Remix, which offers:

The classic arcade game has been remixed! With new levels and unexpected twists on the classic gameplay!…. It’s a small daughter board that plugs into your existing DK 2 stack pcb. You have to take out the Z80 chip and insert it into the Remix board. You will have the same setting as the high score save kit and this even works with the D2K chip!

Check it out in the video below or if you are really interested in getting it for your machine, you can order it here (it is a legit page, despite looking like it’s from the 1990s internet 😛 )

Follow-Up News From JAEPO 2016 – I stumbled across this video from news outlet NetageoFr that shows both Attack On Titan and Mario Party Arcade in action:

Mario & Sonic At The Rio 2016 Olympic Games Arcade Trailer (Japanese) – This week the new Mario & Sonic arcade game was released in Japan and with it a trailer. The Western version was slated for February originally but I confirmed with Sega that it beings shipping en masse in March.

Full Throttle Pinball Adds Fiber Optic Ramp Lighting – After TRON LE came along with the “fiber optic” or electroluminescent wire on ramps, I’m surprised the feature hasn’t been used more often. It appears that Heighway Pinball will give it a spin in their available Full Throttle pinball table…perhaps it will come to Alien as well.

Polycade Launching in March/April – There are a lot of solutions out there for non-commerical multi-game arcade cabinets, some of which get a little too crazy in their design to try and please every game configuration. With the upcoming Polycade however, they appear to have simplified the idea, going with a ‘retro’ cabinet design that mounts to a wall. You can read more about it at their webpage here. It is very unlikely the licensing would work for something like this in a commercial environment however, if something like the Airframe platform were to take off with more titles then perhaps this would be a unique cabinet to offer those indie games on.


Now That’s How You Play Maimai – Thanks to Kevin Williams for the link… nuff’ said:


  1. Alfred February 27, 2016 at 8:07 pm - Reply

    I don’t recognize any of the games, but they look like fun.

    If there was a dragon spirits domed shooter, I would be really impressed. This would be especially if I could control the dragon a bit.

    The polycade is being made by one of the sons of Nolan Bushnell. It was part of the promotion for their kickstarter that some supporters got autographs.

  2. john February 28, 2016 at 2:55 am - Reply

    1 Rastan Saga 2



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