Daytona Championship USA: New Trailer And UK Sightings

arcadehero June 2, 2017 1
Daytona Championship USA: New Trailer And UK Sightings

With June upon us, it is the beginning of the busy season for many arcades. Kids are out of school, families tend to travel and that means that many locations want to bring in new stuff to appeal to those customers. This is why we tend to have game releases take place in the Spring.

One of those releases we have been anticipating is Sega’s remake of Daytona USA, Daytona Championship USA. Here are two updates:

Daytona Championship USA in the UK

While I have been trying to get an official word from Sega regarding the release of the game, so far no confirmation has been received. I know that distributors are taking orders for the game (they have been for a few months) but taking orders and having shipments go out are two different things. One place where the game is shipping is the UK. Thanks to the Twitter account for Sega Amusements, they have been promoting DCUSA sightings around the country. I also have been contacted by a few readers there who have come across the game:

It is noted that none of the sightings so far have appeared with a 4-speed shifter, something that Sega has said would be an option for operators to add. It also is important to note that there is a software update that will be hitting the machines (for free) sometime this month which adds improvements to the graphics, handling and attract mode.

New Trailer: Lakeside Castle

We first caught a glimpse of the Lakeside Castle course as a part of the original teaser trailer, which is a mirrored version of Dinosaur Canyon while the theme is based on a hidden course from Sega Rally 3. Here’s the new trailer with the comparison video I made after Amusement Expo 2017 so you can compare:

To compare the Nov. 2016 build with the March 2017 one:

If you have come across the game yet, what are your impressions of it?

One Comment »

  1. Nadav Salomon June 2, 2017 at 8:31 am - Reply

    The “Lakeside castle” music in the trailer is actually the theme of the “Rin Rin Rink” course from Daytona USA for the Sega Dreamcast.

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