Dave & Busters Launches Injustice Arcade With Exclusive Cabinet; Sales Open For General Release

arcadehero October 16, 2017 4

Earlier this Summer, we were pointed to a location test by Raw Thrills of an Injustice: Gods Among Us arcade game. Built upon on the mobile version, this game has been designed to offer something akin to those Japanese card vending games that have occasionally tried to land on the North American market, but not to great success.

Injustice Arcade Lands At Dave & Busters

Now, arcade chain Dave & Busters has obtained a timed exclusive release of the Injustice Arcade game, with their locations hosting the game right now. In discussing this release with Dave & Busters personnel, I have been able to learn a few things about it.

For starters, the cabinet is meant to be exclusive to D&B. That features a 55″ screen (oddly with no bezel) and a wider control panel. The “Gods Among Us” subtitle has been replaced with -Arcade-, to help distinguish this from the home releases but I believe the game is still based upon the mobile version. They also have a special Justice League topper with Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman & Cyborg. Note from this picture taken by The Arcade Hunters,  it does not use the likenesses of the actors from the upcoming film:

Injustice Arcade 55" D&B Edition by Raw Thrills By what I have been told, the general release of Injustice Arcade will feature a 43″ monitor and not have that topper. Otherwise the game should be the same; we can expect a release of the game December/January.

Certain elements have been “modified…to make it family friendly and fun for everyone” according to Raw Thrills. Arcade Hunters stated that includes all guns featuring a red/orange tip ala toy guns; certain characters like Lobo not flipping the bird. No option to change that from the sounds of it.

Injustice Arcade cards

During the Summer test it was stated that the game featured 48 cards; that has now been bumped up to 200 unique cards. Card packs are “$150+” for 750 RFID tagged cards. D&B has unique vertical banner posters that shows the cards as separated out in three categories – Bronze, Silver & Gold. Most cards belong to Gold which seems a little counter-intuitive but there are rarities that are only shown with a big ‘?’. D&B currently does not have any unique cards but they will be rolling out exclusive redemption prizes for the game. Nick from The Arcade Hunters was also able to shoot almost 15 minutes of video to provide a review of the game here:

Some Distributors Beginning To Take Orders

When I opened my e-mail this morning, I received more than one message from a distributor saying that they are taking IAAPA orders for Injustice. This likely is limited, if you judge by past performance, so if you miss the IAAPA order train then it will probably be sometime in January that you get one. This also provides us our first look at the standard cabinet; I didn’t see pricing on it yet so I’m still unsure where that lands.

Injustice Arcade sales flyer by Raw Thrills

I will get my first chance to play Injustice Arcade at IAAPA 2017 a month from now but in case you come across it at a D&B location before then, let us know what you think of it.


  1. Joe October 21, 2017 at 8:34 pm - Reply

    Played it tonight at the Palisades mall D&B. It had quite a crowd of kids playing and freaking out (positively) about the cards. It’s most definitely a port of the mobile game and a pretty fun button masher. Plus the cards are pretty sweet. Rarity seems to be of the standard Common, Uncommon, Rare variety with certain characters/costume variations getting the foil background treatment.

  2. Darkshortyx November 1, 2017 at 10:22 pm - Reply

    I came across this game at the grand opening of Dave n Busters Tampa FL location. It is quite nice. Definitely a button masher. However, I hope actual fighting games come to DnB at some point.

  3. Howelling Acres December 23, 2017 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    Just played this at Fatcats in SLC. Had 4 boys (ages 7-9) they loved it, spent most of the time trying to get as many cards as they could

  4. Ben May 24, 2018 at 5:28 pm - Reply

    Played it today at main event Katy. The character cards are awesome but the actual game is way too easy. Wish they added a higher difficulty for a chance for a special character card or something

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