Sewer Level & Shredder’s Throne Room Revealed In New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Game Screenshots

arcadehero February 26, 2018 2
Sewer Level & Shredder’s Throne Room Revealed In New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Game Screenshots

First unveiled last year, TMNT is one of the most surprising new developments to come from a major manufacturer in quite some time. That was certainly on display as you the readers made the initial announcement post about the game the #1 article on the site for 2017. I got a chance to play it at IAAPA 2017 and came away with a favorable impression, although I am an admitted shill for beat ’em ups (that said, if it stunk, I would have said so although couched with the qualifier that it was still a WIP).

News about TMNT since IAAPA has been rather quiet as the game has continued development while also location testing at a few sites out there. One of the ops who has a test model told me that the game has seen “Very consistent earnings the last two months”, in this business, consistent earnings is one important aspect that we arcade ops take into consideration when it comes to purchasing decisions.

This week we have more TMNT Arcade news to share with you – part of that is coming on Wednesday as I’ll get to try out the latest version of the game as found at Amusement Expo 2018 in Las Vegas. Today, we have more to chew on with these new screenshots provided to us by the game’s producer, Matt Cianchetti of Raw Thrills. Here’s the gallery then we’ll discuss below; older fans please remember that this is licensed from the Nickelodeon animated show that ran from 2012-2017; as such so Raw Thrills has kept with that aesthetic. Click on any image below for a full view:

It is noted that the screenshots came to me as direct captures from the hardware, 1920x1080 lines of resolution. The game was 60FPS smooth at IAAPA and I have no reason to believe that will change for the final.

The main focus of these new images showcases the recently completed sewer level. As you can see, the game brings you to the Turtles' lair at some point, where a few arcade machines grace the scene. Sewer surfing is also seen in a couple of shots as are new enemies such as Mousers and Squirrelanoids. New bosses are also shown - Chromedome, Baxter Stockman and The Shredder.

While a firm release date has yet to be announced for TMNT, I have been told from distributors to expect shipments to come around "April/May" of this year.

What do you think of TMNT from these new revelations?


  1. Dustin Wilcox February 26, 2018 at 1:26 pm - Reply

    I wish Raw Thrills would put out graphics more along the lines of SEGA Nu hardware, but it still looks like a phenomenal beat-em-up. Consider me hype, Raw Thrills.Can’t wait to play it.

  2. arcades4ever March 2, 2018 at 4:13 pm - Reply

    I do wish the look of the characters reflected either the original graphic novels or tv series from the 80’s but I can see why they’ve done it though since kids that watch and grow up with the current series will match up to the new series on now. I’ll be playing this despite not looking like the original and best TMNT character designs.

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