Newsbytes: House of the Dead Remake For Switch; Pokémon Corogarena; Headlines

arcadehero April 17, 2021 1

Welcome to Newsbytes, a curation of quick content from around the wonderful world of arcades & pinball. Here’s what I’ve gathered for you this weekend:

The House of the Dead Remake

Announced a while back, we now have our first look at the House of the Dead remake for the Nintendo Switch. This definitely has HOTD4 and Scarlet Dawn vibes to how it looks. I think that remakes like this would be perfect to find their way back to arcades, but I doubt that Sega will take that route at this point:

Sega Unveils Pokémon Corogarena Medal Game

First things first – the chances of this coming West are slim to none. That’s the case with a vast majority of Japanese medal games, which are essentially coin pushers for that region. Such games have found a way to make the journey here, but it’s rare. It’s also not the first time that a Pokémon game has graced the arcade scene, but in looking at the various Pokémon arcade titles over the years, none of them have ever received an official launch in North America. [Corrected the name – what I’d originally seen was a phoenetic translation, thanks to the comment for the correction and link to the official PC website]

Anyways, here’s the latest that is headed to Japan via Sega:

Pokémon CologalinaSega Announces Kancolle Arcade Version D

Since we’re on the subject of games that will stick just to the Japanese market, I might as well mention this one. It’s been out for a while, but Sega will be upgrading it to Version D this year. This also shows that Sega hasn’t completely eliminated their AM2 department, which is good news:

Next Week: Get Ready For ShooterFes

This has been mentioned already, but next Saturday will see the commencement of ShooterFes in Japan. It will be broadcast live on YouTube, showing off gameplay from a bunch of shoot ’em up games throughout each day. exA-Arcadia will also be participating in the stream on Sunday, where they will be announcing some new titles. If I did my math right, exA’s stream will start at 4am my time (3am PST/6am EST)…I probably won’t get up early for that, but I’ll be sure to still get all of the pertinent news posted as soon as I can that morning.

And speaking of shooters, M2 Shot Triggers will launch Senjin Aleste to Japanese arcades next month via Sega’s All.Net P-ras Multi 3 digital download platform. The official website for this game is found here.

Big Buck Hunter Pinball Gets Color

If you happen to have a Big Buck Hunter pinball machine and want to liven it up a little bit, ColorDMD has you covered:

New TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge Trailer

First there was the teaser, now here’s the full announcement. This certainly looks like it captures the arcade spirit, despite not being designed for coin-op (and in case you somehow missed the news 3-4 years ago, Raw Thrills’ TMNT did fill that proper arcade void).


We’ve got more headlines than usual this week, I hope you don’t mind.

Indie Arcade Wave Talks With Dan Loosen Of Midwest Gaming Classic

IT Begins Sharing Sorta-Screenshots From Golden Tee PGA Tour – Just flying camera shots instead of the game being played with the UI

Two Bit Circus To Re-Open With Terminator Salvation the VR Ride 

Now Puzzle Bobble Heads To VR

Creators of MAS Arcade Fighting Stick Die In Tragic Accident

ICE Shows Off Product At The NJAA Show – As far as I know, this is the first In-person trade event for our industry since the pandemic started

A Large-Scale Dr. Seuss Attraction Will Open Soon In Houston – Probably won’t have an arcade

Re-prints For Metal Slug: The Ultimate History Are Coming Soon From Bitmap Books

Those Red Barrels Sure Are Enticing

That’s all for now – stay tuned this next week for a couple of stories that I hope to run; One on a game that was just canceled and a bit of news for exA-Arcadia in the US. Have a great weekend!

One Comment »

  1. Bertodecosta April 19, 2021 at 5:54 pm - Reply

    It’s COROGARENA, not Cologalina.
    Shown in the official site :

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