Spotted On Test: Halo: Fireteam Raven Standard

arcadehero December 21, 2021 2

[Thanks to Jdevy for the tip]

Note that this post is discussing a game model that has not officially been announced; As it is on test, it may change significantly from what you see here, or it may never reach production.

We occasionally hear about new games popping up on Christmas week, and today’s news helps contribute that to the trend. As the headline has already spoiled it, there’s a new version of Raw Thrills’ Halo: Fireteam Raven that’s been spotted out there, so we’ll present that then talk more. This photo was posted to the Facebook page for an FEC in Illinois called In The Game Hollywood Park back on November 26th:

First released in a giant 4-player Super Deluxe model back in 2018, Halo was also released as a 2-player sit-down deluxe cab in 2019. After that, we assumed that would be the end of it as far as model options go, since the last time that Raw Thrills had released anything as you see above was back in 2013 with Aliens Armageddon (well, barring Big Buck Hunter, but that’s in a class of its own).

While it’s the only pic we’ve got of it, it is clear that the design reuses the Aliens Armageddon cabinet, with the guns, gun holsters, and plastic control panel mold using the same design – just with different colors. One major difference this brings to the game is the guns – the other version use mounted cannons, while this gives the player free movement.

I reached out to Raw Thrills and there’s no comment from their end, so this is what it is for now. I recall seeing some standard versions of Jurassic Park that were also testing out in IL back in the day that never came along so my guess is as good as yours as to the possibility of it reaching production. It all depends on how well it earns over the course of testing.

That said, I do think that this model would be a great option to have – while my Aliens does well, I’ve considered a Halo, just as I’ve also been considering a 2-player Mission: Impossible – this makes things more enticing on Halo’s side as I really don’t have the space for another environmental cab.

Having these options for smaller locations is quite welcome, especially right now. It also helps arcade games find their way back into smaller, not-exactly-traditional locations that don’t have the space or the budget for the huge FEC stuff but may have space for something smaller. Of course, this game isn’t exactly the size of a 1980s/90s upright cab, but it’s a step in that kind of direction.

What do you think about this from the little we know about it so far?



  1. Johnny Jones December 22, 2021 at 2:58 pm - Reply

    I like the smaller version of Firestorm Raven.

  2. Voltz January 9, 2022 at 3:18 pm - Reply

    I know most of the games that use this style of cabinet and I think it would be pretty cool to see them lined up together.

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