Console Gaming »

Panel on violent video games next week

Panel on violent video games next week

Shaggy April 30, 2008 3

A little while back we had a brief discussion on violent video games along with a look at some new research where it was suggested that the effects of violent video games may not

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Midwest Gaming Classic 2008 – Arcades & Pins video

Midwest Gaming Classic 2008 – Arcades & Pins video

Shaggy April 13, 2008 0

Here is a video of a walk through the pinball and arcade area of the Midwest Gaming Classic. The pins definently outnumber the arcades from the looks of it but either way I’m certain

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What have we been playing…. or not in my case

What have we been playing…. or not in my case

Twisted Supreme April 10, 2008 0

As you can see Shaggy’s been a busy playing all sorts of great games at ASI, unfortunately I have had very little time to play games or do any posts for the website for

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What have we been playing…..

What have we been playing…..

Twisted Supreme March 27, 2008 6

I hate it when I don’t have much time for gaming, but you can be damn sure I’ll be making time for GTA IV when it comes out! At least Shaggy’s making up for

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The Midwest Gaming Classic 2008 is this upcoming weekend!

The Midwest Gaming Classic 2008 is this upcoming weekend!

MetaFox March 23, 2008 0

The Midwest Gaming Classic, the largest classic video and arcade game convention in the midwestern United States is coming to Oconomowoc, Wisconsin this upcoming weekend – Saturday, March 29, 2008 and Sunday, March 30,

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What have we been playing….

What have we been playing….

Twisted Supreme March 10, 2008 0

Do you ever get that feeling when you put a new game in your 360 and play it for an hour or so and then regret. Regret it because you wish you’d never put that

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Midway turns to Out-of-Home to secure line of credit

Midway turns to Out-of-Home to secure line of credit

Shaggy March 7, 2008 0

The National Amusement Inc., operation has replaced the previous Wells Fargo Foothill agreement, to secure credit facilities for the crippled Midway consumer game operation. The $97.4 million loss during 2007 the worse admittance of

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Anti-violent video game laws brewing in state legislatures – what effect on coin-op?

Anti-violent video game laws brewing in state legislatures – what effect on coin-op?

Shaggy March 4, 2008 0

In the world of video games, we’ve always had to battle negative and usually erroneous opinions regarding our hobby, especially when it comes to violent video games. There was a time when arcades were

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What have we been playing….

What have we been playing….

Twisted Supreme March 3, 2008 0

My 360 died on me this week. I count myself lucky as this only my third 360! And more importantly I have a friend who can lend me one 🙂 Twisted Supreme  -Burnout Paradise (360) -Fahrenheit (PS2)

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What have we been playing…..and a new member

What have we been playing…..and a new member

Twisted Supreme February 27, 2008 0

I’d like to use this post to welcome our latest member to the Arcade Heroes team. HeavyElectricity has been a regular poster on our forums, so I hope you’ll join me in giving him a warm

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Battle Lines – Arcade Street Fighter IV Rocks GDC!

Battle Lines – Arcade Street Fighter IV Rocks GDC!

Shaggy February 26, 2008 2

From Kevin Williams comes this look at trends in the game console industry and certain issues they are facing there and a resurgence in interest in arcades thanks to Street Fighter IV. It also

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A look at arcade ports on retro consoles today

A look at arcade ports on retro consoles today

Shaggy February 23, 2008 2

Ever since Atari released Space Invaders on the Atari 2600 console, arcade ports have been something of a standard in the console industry. It becomes something of a conundrum however as console releases have

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