When it comes to space combat games, few series have received as much arcade attention as Star Wars. The format for the space combat seen in the movies just translates so well into the arcade genre that it has been a natural fit ever since Atari released the Star Wars vector game in 1983. Since then Sega has released three Star Wars games in arcades, including this one, the Star Wars Arcade Simulator. Apparently only a dozen of these units were released in the US and only “a few” made it to Europe. It’s too bad really as the co-op action you see here looks like it would be a total ‘blast’. Maybe Sega should consider re-doing this game on the Lindbergh hardware and giving it another shot in arcades. I’m sure that many gamers would be down for that. Youtube video posted by MisterRiddler.
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this game was released on the 32X as “Star Wars Arcade”
The back story to this is a little deeper – I worked in the LBE sector at the time. Back in 1990 Lucasfilms developed a concept for a simulator pod – “the Evans & Sutherland pod has slightly larger than 8 ft. diameter (approx. 64 ft2.). The Mirage pod (a two seater pod) requires a space 9’11” high, 12’6″ wide and 14’3″ long (approx. 178 ft2. – 89 ft2, per user). A VR entertainment attraction using a Mirage pod, and having 12 Mirage Pods, would consume 2136 ft.2 for the pods alone.”http://www.electriceggplant.com/images/mirage.gif
After this project failed, Sega and Lucas tied a deal, and Sega built their pod based on much of the thinking of the Mirage. The pod technology continued into a number of ideas over the time. If you are interested we can a detailed special in the Stinger on this sector.
I have seen this machine on at least one occasion here. I believe it was in an independent gokart track called the Track which is now Adventure landing, however I believe the machine’s monitor had some issues and I could not play it properly.
Oh I forgot, yes you can write about this machine in the stinger, that would be pretty cool.
That’s pretty damn cool. I’ve played the normal sit down version they have of it at two arcades. Sadly the one arcade that still has it isn’t in the best shape.
The pilot’s controls are totally revered. Left goes right, right goes left and up and down are backwards too. I see people get excited, sit down and get frustrated and leave the game.
I wish they’d fix it because it’s awesome to play it with another person when it works.
I was thinking that this looked a lot like the 32X Star Wars game but I’ve only seen screenshots of that and have never played it. Interesting that they used that.
I still like the concept though, co-op games are a blast in arcades.