Pump It Up Prime 2 2017 Arcade Details

arcadehero December 21, 2016 4

With Pump It Up Prime 2 shipping out soon, we’ve received some additional details on the game to discuss so let’s get to it! Thanks to Ryan at Andamiro for the information.

Pump It Up Prime 2 LX

Hopefully a higher resolution version of this image will be showing up soon. 

Pump It Up Prime 2 Shipping January 2017

First off, let’s get to the release as fans are wanting to know when they will get their chance to play. Originally promised for a December 2016 release, shipment delays from South Korea means that the game will be shipping out sometime next month. This is still housed in the brand new LX cabinet design, something we got to look at about a month ago at the IAAPA 2016 trade show:

Pump It Up Prime 2 Features Update

While fans are well versed in the game’s features, if you haven’t been closely following this one then here is what the “15th chapter” in the Pump It Up series brings to the table:

  • The new LX cabinet as seen above (uses a 55″ HD screen; 4 speakers+2 subwoofers)
  • Current software version is 1.00.2
  • The music roster will be 310 songs strong with more than 100 new songs added over a 2 year period; CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE NEW SONG LIST (PDF)
  • “Basic songs are shown on the cabinet when played normally, Full songs are shown when players login in with the card, use a USB or input full mode code”
  • “Simple” card login system that uses Andamiro’s AM.PASS system (they also have a PIU Mobile app that this works with to drive core players back to the game)
  • 20,000 cards have been printed already with 10 cards being provided with every cabinet/kit. Limited Edition cards are under consideration.
  • “How To Play” tutorial and Easy Mode added for newcomers/beginners
  • Includes music genres such as: Hip Hop, Dubstep, Techno Drum ‘n’ Bass, Pop, and More
  • New modes for core players including Rival System, Auto Velocity and Random Train
  • Online features that will include free updates such as Pump It Up Prime 2 2018
  • Online connectivity is WIRED only (CAT5 ethernet). Wireless not available; no special router hardware required
  • Kit upgrades that are compatible with SX, DX, GX, FX, CX and TX PIU cabinet models
  • Camera functionality is still in development

Here’s a close up of the pads and the shut-off cabinet that I sent to BemaniStyle while at IAAPA:


In case you are wondering about pricing, I have not heard that yet but as you might expect, it varies from distributor to distributor. Most seem to carry the latest editions of PIU for around $10,000 while kits tend to hang around $2000-2200USD

I have seen a few social media posts where PIUP2 is getting installed into certain locations, including a couple in Latin America (where the PIU fanbase is strong). If you’ve had a chance to play this game, what do you think about it so far? If you haven’t yet, what are you looking forward to the most?


  1. Nadav Salomon December 23, 2016 at 2:37 pm - Reply

    I don’t understand something. If the internet connection is wired only, then I can’t connect it to a router? if it’s like that, it makes internet connection impossible.

    • Nadav Salomon December 23, 2016 at 11:12 pm - Reply

      Additionally, Why was the wireless connectivity removed?

      • yeehawmckickass January 4, 2017 at 3:32 pm - Reply

        Wireless connectivity wasn’t removed, it was never officially offered. You can hook up a wireless bridge if you want, but it’s not an official solution.

        Otherwise you just get a CAT5e/6 cable and hook it into whatever internet router you use.

    • Tom S December 30, 2016 at 11:25 am - Reply

      Why would you not be able to run an Ethernet cable? Cate 5e or Cat 6 runs can be 328 feet max run without needing an intermediary device. This should be more than long enough for most instances. Worst case scenario put a basic 4 or 8 port, switch in between? You would be at almost a 700 foot run.

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