Raw Thrills Gets A New Website; Godzilla VR Update

arcadehero March 13, 2024 0
Raw Thrills Gets A New Website; Godzilla VR Update

We’re a week out from Amusement Expo 2024, and while some news that should pop up over that time involves games, there can be other things to discuss – such as Raw Thrills’ new website, and an update to Godzilla VR.

Raw Thrills Modernizes Their Site

Back in January 2002 (assuming that archive.org is correct), Raw Thrills launched a placeholder website. It would remain dormant until May 2004, where it received a small update (mentioning a couple of casino games they did – I hadn’t known about those), then a more significant revamp a year later, and another revamp the year after that. I won’t go through all of them, but suffice it to say, until today, the site design has remained relatively the same since 2013/14.

While I was prepping the Amusement Expo 2024 post, I hopped on over to said site to see if there were any updates to bring up where lo and behold, everything was rocking a new theme. The information appears to be the same, but the presentation has been updated – along with a couple of other little tidbits. Unless I had missed them before, it now has a language selector and more social media links.

New Godzilla VR Cab

One change is the addition of the Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR production cabinet. It’s not an enormous difference from what had been shown at IAAPA, mainly in changing the colors, the guns, and the topper marquee. Otherwise, the shape and setup of the cab are the same but in case you’re interested in seeing the final, here you go:

Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR

It’s also worth noting that this has its own High Scores tracking page. I don’t recall seeing a QR code on it at IAAPA. The game is in production now and should begin shipping out pretty soon – end of March/beginning of April has been the word since the game was unveiled a few months ago.

For older but still new games, visiting the individual game pages unlocks quite a bit of information, which is a nice improvement. Raw Thrills often did have some good details, but now they’ve included technical repair and maintenance videos. I also want to say that there are more documents available than before.

That’s always a nice touch, as some manufacturer websites withhold complete details on their products and most distributors don’t really add anything to that data. If you’re in the market for a product that can cost more than a car, it would be nice if everybody proffered up technical, functionality, and maintenance details, rather than just a tiny bullet point list. Many don’t even tell you what kind of electrical pull the games have, which makes planning in that regard a little bit of a challenge.

Godzilla, T-Rex Safari Adventure VR, and plenty of Raw Thrills’ other games will be on display at Amusement Expo 2024 a week from now. Stay tuned for posts and videos of them all!

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