Mega 3D Theatre

Twisted Supreme November 26, 2007 2

This one flew under the radar for me, but our good friends at Sega Nerds were kind enough to point out this piece in Edge about it.


After a bit more digging around we have found a bundle more info in this crazy 360 Theatre. Highway Games have mentioned it the thier recent IAAPA report. Also this 360 degree theatre has it’s own website; MEGA 3D 360. According to thier website this piece was shown at JAMMA too. The creators of the theatre are System Pro, and not Sega as Edge states. However Sega are the distributors of the product and I’d put money on them owning some shares in System Pro. Below are the specs of the MEGA 3D 360 from thier website.

-Diameter 6.5m
-Height 3.8m
-25 seats
-Dedicated 3D screens for a full 360-degree view
-Twin-projector configuration
-Original 3D image and 3D sound control program
-6.1 surround system and bass amplification system embedded in the floor
-High-precision contents created with HDTV 3D computer graphics
-Quick hardware set-up for permanent or temporary installation
-Air puffers give audience highly realistic sensations

So by the sounds of it, it’s like the IMAX theatres, but with a full 3D 360 degree screen and audience interaction. Some of the titles we can look forward to are Mushi King, Horror Scape and Dinosaur Safari.

Nope that’s not really doing it for me. How about a Saving Private Ryan experience. Now that would be intenese!

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  1. editor November 26, 2007 at 10:59 pm - Reply

    Hey Guys,

    We ran it in our JAMMA coverage
    We Ran it in our Facility test feature
    …and we will run it again in our IAAPA coverage!

    How come you missed it?

  2. twistedsupreme November 27, 2007 at 8:45 pm - Reply


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