The top 5 games of arcade champions

Shaggy April 15, 2008 1

While I do try to set some high scores on some classic arcade titles from time to time, I certainly haven’t made it to the level that world record holders for many different classic arcade titles have. It’s really something to watch one of these guys play their favorite game – they make it look so easy but good luck in trying to keep up with them. Here is a video from Coin-Op TV, an outfit out of LA that produces constant arcade related videos that interviews four arcade champs, Todd Rogers, Donald Hayes, Greg Bond and Mark Alpiger on what their top five games are. Personally I’m not sure about my top five, perhaps BattleZone, T-Mek, San Fransisco Rush 2049, Robotron 2049 and Star Wars Trilogy Arcade. That can always change though and it’s hard to pick just five favorites.

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  1. Stephen Riesenberger September 26, 2008 at 9:43 pm - Reply

    It’s ROBOTRON 2084 (but thanks for the 2049 plug)

    I happen to have the #5 high score posted on Twin Galaxies for Tournament Robotron!

    I used to play 8-way linked sit down cabinet T-Mek battles for HOURS at Atari Games back in the day! Ahh the sweet stink of victory second only to 8-way linked Rush 2049 battles!

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