The Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown 2008

Shaggy April 29, 2008 2

Here’s one event that passed under my radar – the Rocky Mountain Pinball Showdown 2008 in Golden, Colorado. Pinball is quite popular in my state of Utah, so I imagine that a few people from here made the trip over to Colorado to play. From the clip below it looks like it was a success, bringing old and new players together to play pinball. The newscast also mentions that some video games were there too but they are not shown. The clip is a little weird in the editing dept.(with the way the news people edited it) by breaking apart quotes from different players at the show and then stringing them together in fast succession. Video posted by youtube user ClassicArcadeResourc.

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  1. Neil April 29, 2008 at 11:59 pm - Reply

    video is no longer available

  2. Shaggy April 30, 2008 at 12:04 am - Reply

    It looks like the user changed it, maybe re-uploaded it. I’m not sure why they would do that.

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