Gamespot segment about arcades

Shaggy August 27, 2008 1

Here’s something you don’t see everyday but it does relate to what Editor of The Stinger Report has been telling us about the consumer game media – that the appeal of Street Fighter IV has caught a lot of people off guard and even though it still isn’t ‘officially’ available outside of Japan due to Capcom dropping the ball (they just say that things are “difficult outside of Japan” which is code for not trying very hard) many players want to get their hands on the game (my local distributor has been getting a lot of calls about it). Fortunately this is bringing some needed media attention to arcades and even Gamespot has created a short but mostly positive segment about arcades where they visit one particular arcade in California called Starbase-1. That was definently a good choice as they have quite a few new titles, including Need for Speed Carbon. Hopefully the marketing departments of the various arcade developers out there are taking note of this, while a lot of attention might be going to SFIV, I think the more open attitude is a perfect opportunity to point out new games coming from other manufacturers.

The segment on arcade’s is about 20 min into the video, right after the bit on the new NHL game, the show is called ‘On the Spot’. Unfortunately due to the rules about embedding on WordPress I can’t show it here, but here is the link to the video.

[Thanks to Adam Pfiefer for the tip!] [Discuss on the Forum]

One Comment »

  1. editor August 27, 2008 at 4:13 pm - Reply

    Thanks Adam(1) and Adam(2) for that, but boy what a lame VidCast, for those that done wont to wade-through the bad presenting (hey out there!!!) the segment stats at 21:02

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