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New arcade opening in Brookfield, IL this May: G3 Arcade

March 18, 2010, 13 Comments on New arcade opening in Brookfield, IL this May: G3 Arcade

When you see arcade game news out there on a site that allows comments, often I read about how people consider arcades being dead as they don’t know of any near them. Of course we have pointed out websites whose sole purpose is to help players find an arcade near them but there are »

An interview with Galloping Ghost

July 15, 2009, No Comments on An interview with Galloping Ghost

AH contributor Aaron Auzins has done an interview with Galloping Ghost Productions (makers of the new arcade fighter Dark Presence), and has been kind enough to pass it along to us. It gets into a lot of detail about GGP as a company as well as the long development process behind their upcoming arcade »

Arcade Releases for 2009

January 24, 2009, 1 Comment on Arcade Releases for 2009

To help keep track of what is coming along to arcades in 2009, here is our release list for this year. If it has any imperfections in it, then just let us know in the comments section and we’ll get it taken care of. ASIA Already Released: Beatmania IDXX 17 Sirius by Konami Border »

BlazBlue now available for arcades in the US

November 18, 2008, 4 Comments on BlazBlue now available for arcades in the US

While a certain company may feel that arcades are dead and so there is no use selling their fighter arcade title in the US, a different company known as Aksys has eschewed the logic of the aformentioned ‘certain company’ and released their fighter for arcades today known as BlazBlue. In case you are not familiar with it, »

A new original arcade title: Get Outta My Face!

August 16, 2008, No Comments on A new original arcade title: Get Outta My Face!

While finding indie developers making arcade titles is a rare occurrence, I’m happy to see that the numbers are growing. We’ve covered Galloping Ghost Productions and their making of Dark Presence; there also was Galactic Front being worked on by a one man team. You can add another one man team to that list »

Fighter mania continues with BlazBlue

June 24, 2008, 3 Comments on Fighter mania continues with BlazBlue

The notion that no one wants to play fighters in the arcade anymore is silly. Apparently Capcom and Namco thinks so when it comes to the US but I have noticed a very interesting trend in my two weeks of running the arcade – there are a lot of fighting fans out there who »

Namco's Tekken 6 Debaucle

March 22, 2008, 2 Comments on Namco's Tekken 6 Debaucle

There is no question that 2008 is the year of the fighter for arcades. Japan is seeing a large number of developers creating new fighters and other markets expect to see some of these titles, which includes Namco’s Tekken 6 and Capcom’s Street Fighter IV. Even in the US there is at least one »

New Games Aplenty For 2024: Wrapping Up IAAPA 2023

New Games Aplenty For 2024: Wrapping Up IAAPA 2023

December 11, 2023, 2 Comments on New Games Aplenty For 2024: Wrapping Up IAAPA 2023

It’s been a few weeks since IAAPA 2023 took place and in that time, I’ve slowly been working through the many companies and games that made their grand debut at the show. This post is intended to wrap it all up, helping you navigate what was there and what is coming to the arcade »

IAAPA 2023 – The Grand Preview

IAAPA 2023 – The Grand Preview

November 10, 2023, No Comments on IAAPA 2023 – The Grand Preview

It’s IAAPA season, which means it is time for tons of new games. The sheer size of the show and its amount of exhibitors is a little overwhelming, but hopefully this preview and guide will help you navigate the news. IAAPA 2023 will also provide a unique gauge to see where the amusement sector »

IAAPA Expo Europe 2023 Preview

IAAPA Expo Europe 2023 Preview

September 21, 2023, No Comments on IAAPA Expo Europe 2023 Preview

IAAPA is here, although it’s not “the” IAAPA that is implied in most of my posts. IAAPA themselves are an amusement industry related trade organization and they put together various shows throughout each year. The largest of these events is just called the IAAPA Expo and it takes place every November the week before »

The IAAPA 2022 Pre-Game Show

The IAAPA 2022 Pre-Game Show

November 10, 2022, No Comments on The IAAPA 2022 Pre-Game Show

Welcome to the annual IAAPA preview, 2022 edition. Here, I will lay out everything I know about what will be at the IAAPA 2022 tradeshow that takes place from Nov. 14-18th in Orlando, FL. If you don’t know what that show is, think of it as the arcade & amusement industry’s e3. It’s much »

Mario’s Continuing Amusement Adventure

Mario’s Continuing Amusement Adventure

March 10, 2021, No Comments on Mario’s Continuing Amusement Adventure

Source: NintendoMario’s Continuing Amusement Adventure In another of his occasional guest features for Arcade Heroes – industry specialist Kevin Williams, looks at the amazing influence that one of the world’s most recognizable video game characters has had, and continues to have, on the amusement and attraction scene. Being that it is March 10th (Mar10/Mario »