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Harada talks about Tekken Tag 2 with Edge Magazine

Harada talks about Tekken Tag 2 with Edge Magazine

March 23, 2011, 6 Comments on Harada talks about Tekken Tag 2 with Edge Magazine

If you are on the prowl for any Tekken Tag Tournament 2 news then here is the latest piece I have found in regards to the game, an interview that Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada had with EDGE Magazine. There is plenty of talk as to why return to the Tekken Tag series, what makes »

Friction and Frightmareland now available

Friction and Frightmareland now available

March 11, 2011, 2 Comments on Friction and Frightmareland now available

Two new arcade games are available for arcades and other entertainment venues to pick up for their locations, but the release news for each game may have become a little lost in the other news about Amusement Expo 2011, so I am going to give them a post all of their own. First is »

Stern and IFPA hosting Rolling Stones Pinball Launch parties next week

Stern and IFPA hosting Rolling Stones Pinball Launch parties next week

March 4, 2011, 1 Comment on Stern and IFPA hosting Rolling Stones Pinball Launch parties next week

(Thanks to Aaron Auzins for the tip) To celebrate the recent release of their latest pinball game, The Rolling Stones, Stern Pinball is teaming up with the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) to host launch parties in 9 different North American cities this next Friday, March 11th. In addition to getting a chance to »

Impressions from Amusement Expo 2011

Impressions from Amusement Expo 2011

March 2, 2011, 1 Comment on Impressions from Amusement Expo 2011

Amusement Expo 2011 started yesterday in Las Vegas and I was there for the day to take a look around and see what was new. If you are new to modern arcade gaming, there are usually two conventions held each year, Amusement Expo in March and IAAPA in November. Amusement Expo wasn’t a large »

Amusement Expo ’11 Preview

February 28, 2011, 1 Comment on Amusement Expo ’11 Preview

It’s March and that means it’s time for Amusement Expo (formerly ASI). Last year there were a few announcements to talk about before the show but so far this year has been a little more low key. Still, there are some games to look forward to, here is what we know for sure will »

Initial D6 Arcade Stage and Super Monkey Ball Ticket Blitz Promo trailers

Initial D6 Arcade Stage and Super Monkey Ball Ticket Blitz Promo trailers

February 25, 2011, 1 Comment on Initial D6 Arcade Stage and Super Monkey Ball Ticket Blitz Promo trailers

Sega has a new arcade racer coming out next on the 3rd but for some strange reason, they didn’t give the game any booth space at AOU2011. That game is Initial D Arcade Stage 6 AA, and today they have released a new promotional trailer for the game. They also have indicated that players »

SSFIV Arcade Edition staying arcade exclusive?

SSFIV Arcade Edition staying arcade exclusive?

February 24, 2011, 5 Comments on SSFIV Arcade Edition staying arcade exclusive?

Andriasang has an interesting bit of news today, concerning Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition – apparently Capcom has decided to keep the AE content and balancing in arcades and will not be bringing it to consoles as DLC. This comes straight from the man at the helm of Street Fighter, Yoshinori Ono and »

Winnitron 1000 Arcade cabinet coming to GDC’11

Winnitron 1000 Arcade cabinet coming to GDC’11

February 23, 2011, 3 Comments on Winnitron 1000 Arcade cabinet coming to GDC’11

Newsfeed 1010 via If you have an indie game you want to get out in public, then it can be a daunting task to be noticed as there are many games to choose from. The latest trend in helping draw attention to indie games is taking one or more games and putting them into »

NG:DEV TEAM release Last Hope: Pink Bullets for NeoGeoMVS

NG:DEV TEAM release Last Hope: Pink Bullets for NeoGeoMVS

February 21, 2011, 3 Comments on NG:DEV TEAM release Last Hope: Pink Bullets for NeoGeoMVS

The NeoGeo MVS has another game to add to it’s overall game library today as the Germany-based development team NG:DEV TEAM has announced the limited release of their original game, Last Hope: Pink Bullets. This was first released on the Sega Dreamcast and with a very limited run of 25 units they have already »

Chinatown Fair Arcade closing Wednesday? + Ground Kontrol goes 3.0 (UPDATE)

Chinatown Fair Arcade closing Wednesday? + Ground Kontrol goes 3.0 (UPDATE)

February 21, 2011, 4 Comments on Chinatown Fair Arcade closing Wednesday? + Ground Kontrol goes 3.0 (UPDATE)

(From inside the Chinatown Fair arcade, GameSetWatch) UPDATE: Both Joystiq and Kotaku have ran stories about this and found out that the closure isn’t completely true – there are some issues with the landlord that they are having and if those aren’t resolved then they will move. If they are resolved, then they will »

Arcade games of the Taipei 2011 Game Show + more AOU links

Arcade games of the Taipei 2011 Game Show + more AOU links

February 21, 2011, 2 Comments on Arcade games of the Taipei 2011 Game Show + more AOU links

(Image via Game Watch) Newsfeed 1007 via AOU wasn’t the only big video game related show that took place this past weekend, down in Taiwan they had an event going on as well, which we mentioned a little bit about earlier last week. While the Taipei Game Show didn’t focus purely on arcade/amusement gaming, »

AOU 2011 Day 2: More videos!

February 19, 2011, 1 Comment on AOU 2011 Day 2: More videos!

Here’s more follow-up on the AOU 2011 expo and today we have more to watch in terms of videos!click below for videos of Let’s Go Island 3D, Chaos Code, Taito’s booth, NESiCAXLIVE, Aquapazza, Tekken Tag 2, Koihime Dream and more! »