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Big Buck World celebrates 10 years of Big Buck Hunter this fall
In the latest issue of Replay Magazine (September 2010), they have a cover story on the success of the popular arcade series Big Buck Hunter, along with a tribute to the game’s 10th anniversary this year. As a part of that tribute they also have a scoop on the next game in the series »
Sega’s Initial D AA Arcade Stage 6 in action
Sega’s recently announced Initial D AA Arcade Stage 6 was on location test in Singapore and ID fans were on hand to grab some video. I believe that this was an online test showing how the tag battles work. Graphically it looks quite good although it’s not a big jump over ID5; the play »
Taito's Music Gun Gun 2 ; Darius Burst hands-on article + Taito's JAMMA line-up
Newsfeed 911 via Let’s start the week with some Taito news, first with a new game that the company is working on that is a sequel to one of their notable mash-up titles. Music Gun Gun combined two genres that always bring in the players to arcades – light-gun games and music games. With »
Sega unveils Initial D Arcade Stage 6 AA, Shining Force Cross update, other games for JAMMA
With the 48th JAMMA Expo nearly upon us, that means that companies are beginning to reveal the game they will be bringing along to the show and today, Sega took the veil off of what they have been working on. The newest title to grace their line-up will be a new addition to the »
Pentavision and Pipeline Games merge to become Pentavision Global
A short time ago I noticed that the Pipeline Games website was completely down and it seemed to be staying that way. That didn’t bode well for the brand new company who had brought some quirky games to Amusement Expo earlier this year. The disappearance of the website has been solved today however as »
Arc System Works to release BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II this winter
Despite all the love that fighters get with 3D graphics these days, there are a few games which still stick to the genres 2D roots and it’s even better when they stick to the genres arcade roots as well. One of those games is the BlazBlue series by Arc System Works. I’ve actually had »
Are Glasses-free 3D TV's what the arcade industry needs?
The past few days have been a news desert for arcades and so far today isn’t looking any different although I did find some interest in this story about Toshiba’s development of a new TV set technology that finally allows the viewer to watch stereoscopic 3D content without the aid of glasses. That is »
The Arcade Hunters visit Richie Knucklez
It may be impossible to visit all of the arcades that are out there but at least thanks to the wonderful world of the internet we can get in-depth videos of the locations that are out there. Thanks to the guys at we get a chance to see some great arcades out there »
Parent company of Intencity posts strong earnings
Newsfeed 902 via For those unfamiliar with Intencity, it’s the amusement wing of Village Roadshow, an entertainment company based in Australia that deals with theme parks, cinema centers, music, DVDs and more. From the looks of it, Intencity is one place where players can find some of the latest arcade and redemption games and »
Namco unveils Pac-Man's Arcade Party
Namco has already shown their enthusiasm in celebrating Pac-Man’s 30th anniversary with Pac-Man Battle Royale (due next month) but you can now add two arcade titles to the ways of how they are celebrating. An open house event(click for more pictures) was recently held at the Namco America HQ in Elk Grove Village, IL »
UK Pinball Party starts tomorrow
Pinball junkies in the UK have a big event to look forward to, the UK Pinball Party. It begins tomorrow and runs through Sunday although they already have held a warming up event with a competition between Martyn Raison (the top ranked junior UK player) and the two times Pinball World Champion Gary Flower. »