Exclusive pics of the Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom hardware – Wii it is!

Shaggy December 27, 2008 1


There has still been some speculation as to what hardware the new Capcom fighter, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom is running on – while some sources stuck firm to the claim of it running on Wii-based hardware, others have stuck with it being something more along the lines of System 256 (which is PS2 based) or similar. Well now we have proof that T Vs. C is running on Wii-based hardware, thanks to these exclusive images that were sent to us by The Stinger Report. Many thanks to them and enjoy!

The first on the left is the T Vs. C hardware in it’s standard case. The second is that same thing but open, the third is what the home Wii hardware looks like when open. While the boards are obviously different in overall design, notice the Nintendo logo in the upper right hand corner of the board on the T Vs C board. It’s interesting to note that the T Vs C hardware includes a WiFi device and no wired ethernet port. One question now is how many other games will they use for this hardware? I think of the TriForce Gamecube-based hardware and that had very little support overall so will developers in Japan take to this as a cheap alternative to something like the Taito TypeX2?  We’ll only know as next year unfolds.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the hardware in full size.

cimg0201  cimg0206  wiihrdwre1

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One Comment »

  1. Play Arcade Games December 30, 2008 at 2:29 am - Reply

    wow I can’t wait to put these up in my gameroom!

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