How Konami’s new Reflec Beat works

arcadehero November 4, 2010 2

Konami has a couple of music games they are launching today – first is one more people are already familiar with, a Microsoft Kinect launch title called Dance Masters and the other is a coin-op arcade title called Reflec Beat. The latter is sticking to Japan/South Korea for the moment but who knows if it will stay that way with Pentavision Global brining their touch screen music game, DJ Max Technika 2 to the US. Then again, things can get a bit more chaotic in Reflec Beat than they do in DJMT2 and that could easily work against it on the international market, save for an import here or there.

We have discussed Reflec Beat before but getting a good idea of how it all works is something you need a good video for and here it is, via the Reflec Beat website.

And if you want to see what I mean by it getting chaotic here’s a location test video of the game below.


  1. arcades4ever November 6, 2010 at 5:58 am - Reply

    wow that does look fun even if its franktic 🙂 I had no idea what it would be like this game but it looks fun, makes me think of bit trip beat released last year I hope it comes to the west unlike jukebeat which never did well in location test 🙁 you can certainly garrantee people will be pining for an ipad version of this game, if it happens at least I’ll get to play it but I would like to play the arcade version

  2. igo November 7, 2010 at 11:44 am - Reply

    Reflec Beat looks fun. I really hope it will make it to the US.

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