HardCore Gamer Vol. 3 Issue 2 out, arcade preview The Act

Shaggy July 26, 2007 0


Hardcore Gamer 26 is out and this month I cover the upcoming and innovative arcade title The Act. If you’re interested in other things than arcade games, they have plenty of that too. 😛 The cover features the new Stranglehold byMidway and they also have other articles that interest me, such as Metroid Prime 3 info. Arcade Heroes is even mentioned (once again) in this issue. Either way I was very happy with the look of The Act article (I only do the writing and gather pictures, I don’t do the layout) and if you want to check it out, head out to the store and buy a hard copy or hit the download link (it’s a pdf file) below and goto page 67.

[Hardcore Gamer Magazine 26 download] [Discuss on the forum]

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  1. Mr-Phelps July 27, 2007 at 3:57 am - Reply

    I like this magazine, it reminds a lot of Gamefan. 😉 I definitely check it out.

  2. Shaggy July 27, 2007 at 4:32 pm - Reply

    Actually several of the editors worked on Gamefan hence the similarities – Gamefan was awesome!

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