We have more price ranges for two new arcade titles, GlobalVR’s Blazing Angels and Trio-Tech’s UFO Stomper. Keep in mind that these are prices according to one distributor and different distributors will carry these same games for a different (and hopefully lower) price. So how much will these games set back your local operator? Blazing Angels is listed at $9000; UFO Stomper a “mere” $28,999 or $30+ after taxes and shipping. Both games (especially UFO Stomper) are going for higher than I expected but as always my local distributor usually carries games for less than BHM but I’m not expecting the prices to be that much lower through my channel.
Of course FECs will always have the advantage over small operators in purchasing games but it sucks for us small frys when there is pratically no chance we can raise the capital to purchase one of these games (much less pay them off in a reasonable amount of time). At least UFO Stomper is so drastically different that it won’t be coming to home consoles ever but it would be far easier to swallow the price if it were more reasonable – say $10-15k less. Of course the only other interactive floor I know of costs around $20k (LightSpace) so these interactive floors aren’t cheap no matter where you go.
[Via BHM Vending] [Discuss on the Forum]
ilove ufo stomper