Shrek Pinball final design and details

Shaggy March 13, 2008 2


We’ve seen plenty of pinball news over the past couple of days and today details on Stern’s newest (and very limited production) pinball have been made available, along with a picture of the playfield, back glass and play features. Don’t expectshrekpinball.jpg to find this one around in many places for a while – only 250 are being made but if those all sell out quickly then Stern may produce more.

According to the press release the main feature of the new Shrek pinball is Donkey’s Mini-Playfield which is a small separate pinball playfield that sits in the upper right hand corner of the game. It includes mini-flippers that the player controls when the ball is in play there and also has ramps, targets and a Donkey figurine.

In addition to this the playfield has figurines of Shrek, Puss in Boots, Princess Fiona and Gingy and of course the game has a multi-ball feature that can be unlocked during play.

Now I’m just wondering when Stern is going to get on the Halo merchandising bandwagon and develop that.

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  1. Nordic March 21, 2008 at 9:22 pm - Reply

    This is the EXACT same layout as Family Guy…

    Commercial pinball is dead to me. 🙁

  2. Shaggy March 22, 2008 at 3:02 am - Reply

    Yeah, I guess since they plan on only making a few they didn’t want to bother with designing a new field. I am wondering why they are only producing 250 though for something that is a fairly big license. At least Indiana Jones will have a unique playfield.

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