Over at Rotheblog they have put together a list of the 15 most valuable games in existence, the most expensive one being Williams Blaster Cockpit cabinet weighing in at $12,000! Williams games feature heavy in this list, as do some classics from Cinematronics and Atari. All the criteria that was taken into consideration is detailed too, as well as how many are known to exist according to VAPS (The Video Arcade Preservation Society), and GGDB (The Great Game Database). Definately worth a read.
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I’m one of those many people who would love to get their hands on a Cosmic Chasm.
That was the stupidest list ever. The games were about $4,000 apiece. Shaggy, how many games can you think of that cost more than four grand? As an arcade owner, you know what I mean. The new Tekken 6 = $16,000.
You make a good point Paul, they should say “15 most valuable Classic games ever”. Still, I have noticed many times how some classic arcade fans completely ignore the existence of anything new in arcades since they don’t have the same charm as the classics did.
Looking at the list for a second time made me realize how great arcade cabinets used to look. Some really beauties there.